How to apply new technology in the emerging cannabis industry

Tech helps with harvests and cost management

Automated grow apps can improve your harvests and cut costs by monitoring the health of your cannabis plants. Scott Campbell’s AROYA technology replaces whiteboards with task lists and feeding schedules with automated apps. Gene editing and Blockchain technology are other examples of new technology that is revolutionizing the cannabis industry.

These tools are available for both cannabis growers and businesses to use. But how do you find the right solutions for your business and grow operations?

Growing environment for cannabis farms

The question of whether or not the growing environment for hemp and cannabis farms is good for the environment is becoming more relevant with the advent of legalization and the growing industry. Legalization has created the opportunity to develop new methods for producing cannabis, including dry farming and companion planting.

Dry farming, for example, does not require the use of an irrigation system and does not utilize precious water resources. It also provides the opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The impact of growing cannabis is enormously different around the world. Cannabis farms can be planted with seeds for outdoor growing, which is often the most natural option. The plants grow better under natural sunlight, but a lack of rainwater and other factors can make them a lower-quality crop than other outdoor farming methods. Growing cannabis indoors or in a greenhouse requires the use of artificial lighting and electricity. There are many different challenges to consider when choosing between these two methods.

A growing environment for cannabis is important because the plant produces high amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These compounds can damage the ozone layer and combine with other pollutants in the air. A single cannabis plant can emit up to 2,000 metric tons of ozone annually. In order to reduce the impact of marijuana cultivation, indoor grow houses use massive carbon filtration systems. Outdoor grow environments, on the other hand, use a natural environment, which limits ozone production.

LED grow light systems

The first step in converting to LED grow light systems for the cannabis industry is to benchmark the facility. It enables growers to measure the impact of their lighting on their KPIs, including energy efficiency, productivity, and yield. Growers should benchmark their facilities regularly after converting to LED solutions, to determine whether they have seen an improvement in these KPIs. This benchmarking process also helps growers quantify their LED solutions’ benefits and ensure that they are getting the best possible results.

In addition to being more efficient, modern LEDs can provide a broader spectrum of light. Full spectrum lights are less harsh on the eyes and are better for skunk weed plants. For example, adding green light can promote healthier growth in your plants. Then again, far red spectrum lights are vital for flowering and budding, respectively. LED manufacturers have developed specialized lenses for each stage of growth, meaning that they can produce a wide range of spectrums.

LED technology is developing at a rapid rate. It has the same effects as HID lighting, while using less electricity and running cooler. In addition, it is more energy efficient than HPS fixtures. LED lights can be used for both the vegetative and flowering stages. Ideally, they should have a PPFD rating of 1000 or higher. In addition, some growers are using HPS fixtures in their cannabis operations.

Indoor hemp cultivation is getting more popular as the demand for smokable CBD flower increases in the US and Europe.

Blockchain technology

Blockchain can help the cannabis industry in many ways, but it doesn’t directly impact the regulatory environment. It can help the industry improve the speed and efficiency of monitoring, audits, and reporting. By automating these processes, cannabis companies can decrease the costs of staff and oversight, and increase their profits. This is particularly important in the cannabis industry, where labor costs are still one of the largest expenses.

The greatest application for blockchain in the cannabis industry lies in genetics. Cannabis has long been identified by street names, but genetic cultivars can now be traced to their source. The information can be used to create more consistent products, and the ability to trace the entire product’s history can help boost consumer trust. By ensuring consistent and traceable products, blockchain can help the cannabis industry become a standardized industry. As a result, it can help both the cannabis industry and the healthcare industry move forward.

The technology enables cannabis operators to track all aspects of their plants, including their inventory, to satisfy regulatory requirements. It can also be used to create smart contracts based on the data in blockchain. The blockchain allows for algorithmically controlled interactions, which reduces the cost of managing documentation. Smart contracts can detect damage, mishandling management, and product recalls. Smart contracts can be programmed to automatically alert the cannabis industry of damage or inconsistencies.

Bottom line

The cannabis industry has been embracing smart automation, which can help growers minimize energy costs while maximizing profits. By integrating IoT sensors and smart buildings software, smart automation allows growers to monitor energy use throughout their operations and identify underperforming equipment, reduce waste, and improve efficiency.

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