Using CBD in Your Daily Life: 5 Ways You Can Benefit From CBD

If you’ve been wondering about the benefits of using CBD then you’re in the right place.

Thousands of people around the world are choosing to incorporate CBD into their daily life, to help manage increasingly common problems, such as anxiety and stress.

In this article we look at some of the many health benefits of CBD and the benefits of using CBD oil or hemp oil over other methods of consumption.

Keep reading to see if you should also take advantage of using this popular cannabinoid in your daily life.

Who Should Take CBD?

The campaign to legalize medical marijuana continues to gain momentum and legalization is sweeping across the states. If you, however, like many others, don’t enjoy the high experienced by smoking marijuana, then CBD is the answer.

CBD is the main non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis.

CBD is used to create a range of products that provide all the medical benefits of the cannabis plant, without exposing the consumer to the mind-bending effects usually associated with marijuana.

If you suffer from chronic pain, or any other condition that can be eased by the daily use of cannabinoids, a CBD cream, oil, dab, or transdermal patch, could provide the solution you’ve been looking for and offer an effective alternative to the chemical-based drugs prescribed to you by your doctor.

list of benefits of CBD
CBD is versatile and can be incorporated in every moment of your daily life

CBD Oil Benefits list

Cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system in your body.

Your endocannabinoid system plays a major role in your body’s immune system, as well as helping to regulate sleep, decrease pain, and stabilize appetite.

Some CBD oil uses and benefits include pain management, stress and anxiety relief, acne reduction, and an improved overall feeling of wellbeing.

More on the endocannabinoid system

1. CBD for Pain

Many people use CBD for pain management and inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Several studies in the last decade (including Wade et al. in 2003 and Nagarkatti et al in 2009) have proved that CBD could help prevent inflammatory and neuropathic pain, both of which are notoriously difficult to treat.

Another study by Hammell in 2015, demonstrated CBD’s effectiveness in the treatment of lower joint and back pain and inflammation caused by arthritis, particularly when offered as a cream or topical.

2. CBD for Stress

Using CBD for stress is also substantiated by research.

Research published in 2013 by Campos et al, showed that CBD helped to lower heart rate, as well as mitigate other symptoms in mice suffering from physical and mental stress.

The same study showed that CBD has a stimulating effect on the hippocampus, which helped to calm and relax the mice used in the study. In fact, the results of this study were so groundbreaking that they are often cited, even today.

It was the first study to examine how CBD helps to alleviate stress symptoms, rather than simply focusing on its effectiveness at relieving them, as all other studies had previously revealed.

3. CBD for Anxiety

In 2015, Neurotherapeutics published a research review on using CBD as a potential treatment for anxiety.

It concluded that CBD has the ability to decrease the severity of anxiety symptoms, including those arising from general anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and panic disorder.

It was found to work as well as, and in some cases better than, other anxiolytic drugs, with fewer negative side-effects.

This means that acute dosing of CBD has the potential to negate the need for anti-anxiety medication altogether.

4. CBD for Acne

CBD can be extremely effective if you suffer from skin conditions. Using CBD for acne is a fairly new but popular way to help clear up your skin.

An article published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation in 2014, provided evidence that confirmed how CBD inhibits the production of sebum, which is the main cause of acne when the body produces too much of it.

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD also mean that it’s potentially more efficient than vitamin A derivatives, such as Accutane, and doesn’t cause the severe negative side-effects that have been associated with Accutane in the past.

5. CBD for hair

If you suffer from hair loss or thinning hair, CBD can be an effective way to strengthen and recover hair follicles.

Read our guide on hemp oil for hair loss for more information.

What are the Benefits of CBD Oil?

The benefit of having CBD in the form of an oil, relates to easy-of-use.

It’s common for people to think that cannabis is something you consume by smoking, but that isn’t the case at all.

The healing benefits of cannabis can be enjoyed by consuming CBD oils. These products are usually packaged in a bottle with a pipette, or a syringe, making it easy to measure small doses accurately.

CBD oil is also extremely versatile. It can be added to a wide range of other products (like foods, creams, and drinks). If you don’t like the taste, you can add it to your morning coffee or smoothie, if you prefer.

We suggest using uplifting “CBD focus tinctures” as nootropics for cognitive performance in the morning and “relax tinctures” in the evening.

When enjoyed in its pure form, CBD oil is taken by placing a few drops under the tongue, helping it to find its way into the bloodstream as quickly and as efficiently as possible.


The Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seeds are not technically seeds but nuts. Nuts in general are very nutritious as they are rich in both essential fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6) and proteins (over 25% protein content).

Hemp seeds also have a very high vitamin E and mineral content (phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron & zinc).

The benefits of including hemp seeds into your daily diet include;

  • Decreased risk of heart disease
  • Hemp seed oil benefits your skin
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Improved digestion of food
  • Improve symptoms of PMS and menopause
  • Improves symptoms of pain and arthritis

All of this with virtually no side-effects.

Other Ways to Consume CBD

Although the most popular way of taking CBD is as an oil or tincture under the tongue, there are also other ways in which you can consume CBD. Vaporizing is another popular choice and, while it is the most efficient way of getting CBD directly into your bloodstream, it potentially appeals mainly to smokers.

You can also take CBD by using a transdermal skin patch or by consuming edibles.

If you’re using CBD for pain or acne, then you may also want to consider applying it topically in the form of a cream or lotion directly to the affected area.

cbd topical for treating migraines

Daily Dosing

The main benefit of using CBD over medical marijuana that contains the psychoactive cannabinoid, THC, is that you can enjoy the health benefits offered by the cannabis plant, without compromising your daily performance or having to deal with getting high.

Taking CBD on a regular basis can massively improve your overall feeling of wellbeing, alleviate stress and anxiety symptoms, relieve acne, and help manage pain.

Consider reducing your need for prescription medications by reaching out for a good quality CBD oil instead.

More on how to find the correct CBD dosage here.

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