What is the best time to take CBD oil?

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Is there a best time to take CBD oil and how often should I take CBD oil? These are two of the most common questions posed by newcomers to the CBD market. Understanding the nuances of CBD dosing isn’t an easy task, but it’s also not as complicated as some people believe it to be.

When should I take CBD oil? Morning or night?

When to take CBD oil depends a lot on why you’re choosing to take it and the type of CBD oil you choose to consume.

For example, if you’re looking to CBD to help you improve sleep, then you should be using a CBD oil designed to bring on a full body relax before you go to bed. If you’re giving CBD a try to see if it can help with general body balance, you should be using a CBD oil designed to support all-round body maintenance and it’s a good idea to take it at the very beginning of the day.

What’s more important than the “when” you take your oil, is the consistency. If you take your CBD oil at night, right before bed, then you need to respect that exact schedule on a daily basis. The more consistent you are with consumption, the easier it is to measure results and to adjust dosage accordingly.

What are your reasons for taking CBD?

As previously mentioned, the reasons for taking CBD will and should naturally affect the time of day you take your oil. Anyone wanting to improve their sleep routine needs to find an oil that they can take at night, an hour before bed, giving the oil time to work its way into the bloodstream and aid in the important task of inducing sleep.

If you’re taking CBD to regulate appetite, consider taking the oil an hour before lunch, which should then be your largest meal of the day.

If you’re hoping to regulate your body’s general sense of wellbeing, start your day off with a little CBD oil in your morning coffee or breakfast juice. If you’re using CBD to help improve the effects of your workout, take your oil either pre or post-workout.

In the same way, you can take CBD oil when you feel the onset of a headache or migraine. Many people report feeling a sense of relaxation in muscles around the eyes, scalp and neck that takes pressure off the head and releases migraines.

View our best CBD oil for migraines


How to take CBD oil

Choosing the best way to take CBD oil is another factor that needs to be considered. All CBD oils, or tinctures, are designed to be consumed sublingually. This means the oil is dropped neatly under the tongue, held for a little over a minute and then swallowed.

The problem here is that not everyone enjoys the taste or smell of CBD oil, which can make the daily experience an unpleasant one. The good news is that there are lots of ways in which you can get creative with your CBD oil.

If you’re thinking of using CBD to help support and enhance your active lifestyle routine, then you might want to try adding your CBD oil to one of your favorite pre or post-workout juices. Not only will the juice you prepare help to enhance your exercise results, but you’ll get the benefits of daily CBD without having to ingest something that doesn’t taste all that great.

Some consumers choose to add CBD oil to their food. As most CBD oils are made using MCT, coconut oil, or other types of edible oils, they mix well in all kinds of dough-like creations, including cakes, pancakes, biscuits and the like. But you can also choose to add to your morning cereal or lunchtime yoghurt.

CBD oil in yoghurt

What about dosage?

It can take a while to find the exact dose to meet your body’s needs. There’s no one-dose-fits-all approach in CBD. The human body is so very particular, that effective CBD dosage is a very personal thing. But dosage can also play a role in timing.

For instance, you may find that for general maintenance purposes you need to split your CBD dose in two, taking half the dose in the morning and half after lunch. This could help to keep your body leveled out throughout the day better than when taking the full dose when you wake.

Some consumers also find that it’s effective to take CBD oil for three days and then stop for one, or to take for four and stop for two. This micro-dosing approach means that the body never fully accustoms to the CBD and doesn’t naturally build up resistance to its positive effects over time.

Read our full guide to CBD dosage

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