What is the CBL Cannabinoid?

One of the smaller cannabinoids

CBD and THC are the most abundant, well-known, and well-researched cannabinoids that can be found in cannabis and hemp plants. But they are just two of over 100 cannabinoids that can be found in the plant’s flowers.

The CBL cannabinoid is known as a minor cannabinoid as it can only be found in small quantities in hemp and cannabis flowers and at this point in time we don’t know a lot about it.

More on minor cannabinoids here

What is the CBL cannabinoid?

Cannabicylol (CBL) is a non-intoxicating compound that was first isolated in 1964. It is formed in hemp flowers when another cannabinoid, cannabichromene (CBC), is exposed to UV light, oxidation, or acidic conditions, therefore it’s more prevalent in older flowers (post-harvest) as opposed to fresh flowers.

The fact that CBL is known to be a degradative cannabinoid is especially relevant to people that vape or smoke cannabis and hemp flowers, as these methods of consumption involve heating which will result in higher levels of CBL being consumed.

CBL effects

Despite CBL being discovered nearly 60 years ago, research into the effects of CBL hasn’t really progressed that much. In fact, most of what we know about this cannabinoid is centered around previous studies into its molecular formula and the conclusions that may be drawn from this.

For example, the double bond featured in the chemical structure of THC is what allows it to bind to CB1 receptors in our brain and it’s this binding that causes us to feel intoxicated. CBL, however, lacks this double-bond structure and since this is what causes THC to be intoxicating, we can assume that CBL is a non-intoxicating compound like CBD. 

CBL cannabinoid benefits

As a non-intoxicating cannabinoid that doesn’t bind to cannabinoid receptors, many cannabis experts believe that this compound will eventually prove to exert influence elsewhere is the body, offering therapeutic effects similar to CBD.

Like CBD, CBL may interact with other receptors in our brains and bodies but this is purely speculation at this point as the pharmacological value and beneficial effects of CBL are yet to be studied or determined.

However, with interest and research into minor cannabinoids like CBL increasing rapidly, we expect this to change over the next few years.

CBL cannabinoid side effects

There are no known adverse effects from taking CBL, but as with the effects and benefits, this is more to do with the fact that CBL hasn’t been studied in animals or humans yet. 

Is CBL legal?

As long as CBL has been derived from the hemp plant, it is federally legal in the United States. According to the Hemp Farming Act of 2018, hemp is defined as any Cannabis Sativa that contains less than 0.3% THC on a dry weight basis.

Individual states may choose to regulate or restrict the sale of CBL in the future, but none have done so thus far and it’s unlikely to become regulated due to its non-intoxicating nature. 

The future of CBL

Because CBL occurs naturally within the cannabis plant, it’s likely that many full-spectrum hemp products on the market already contain very small amounts of CBL. However, we’re probably a long way off seeing highly concentrated CBL products on our shelves simply because the benefits of CBL are unknown.

Many cannabis and hemp experts agree that this cannabinoid, like other cannabinoids that have been studied more extensively, may eventually prove to possess potent therapeutic properties.

Without customer demand, however, it’s difficult to find funding to research a minor cannabinoid like this, and without the research in place it’s difficult for this minor cannabinoid to make a name for itself in the growing CBD market. 

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