Delta 9 vs. Delta 10 Tetrahydrocannabinol: What’s The Difference?

Delta 9 vs. Delta 10 Tetrahydrocannabinol: What’s The Difference? by Thea Engst at CBD Origin

As recently as five years ago, the concept of using cannabinoids from cannabis sativa plants wasn’t exactly taken seriously by the masses. Today, researchers are working to study the impacts of THC and CBD in order to understand the potential for their health benefits. There’s a lot to learn but we have already come a very long way in studying, understanding, and utilizing cannabinoids to improve our well-being.

Let’s talk about two of the many cannabinoids that are in circulation today: Delta 9 and Delta 10. We will delve into how they’re similar, how they’re different, and why you should care. 

The Main Differences and Similarities Between Delta 9 THC and Delta 10 THC 

Delta 9 THC and Delta 10 THC

While this article has a lot of details and explanations, starting with big differences and similarities will be helpful for an overview. So let’s just touch on those now, and get into the nitty and gritty after. 

Delta 9 vs. Delta 10 Differences

  • While both produce euphoric feelings, Delta 9 is far more potent. 
  • Delta 10 energizes, whereas Delta 9 sedates. 
  • Delta 9 is produced in larger amounts naturally, whereas Delta 10 must come from engineered plants to be extracted more readily and easily. 
  • Delta 9 is less expensive and easier to find for purchase, whereas Delta 10 is harder to find.
  • Delta 9 binds to the CB1 receptor, whereas Delta 10 binds to the CB2 receptor. 

Delta 9 vs Delta 10 Similarities

  • Both are psychoactive drugs, meaning they impact your brain, not your body. 
  • Both are phytocannabinoids, meaning they are produced by plants. 
  • Both are cannabinoids.
  • Both are tetrahydrocannabinol and are therefore related. 

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

We all know the letters, but do you know the compound itself? Let’s talk about THC, baby. 

First of all, THC is an abbreviation for tetrahydrocannabinol [te-truh-hahy-druh-kuhnabuh-nawl, -nol]. 

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is a cannabinoid naturally produced by cannabis sativa plants or hemp and marijuana plants. While THC is produced in small amounts in hemp plants, it appears more plentifully in marijuana plants. Don’t worry, we’ll discuss the difference between those plants too! 

Tetrahydrocannabinol is a psychoactive cannabinoid, which doesn’t mean it will make you go psycho! While the word ‘psychoactive’ can be a little intimidating, it really points to that this drug affects your psyche or brain. Cannabinol or CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. Which is why you will often hear the effects of it being described as a ‘body high’ because it targets your body, not your mind. 

And speaking of getting high. That euphoric feeling that is often associated with getting high is brought to you by THC, but all the hundreds of variations of the tetrahydrocannabinol compound have different impacts on our brains. 


THC is also the compound responsible for making us hungry. That’s right, you have tetrahydrocannabinol to thank for the ‘munchies.’. While this isn’t ideal for anyone on a diet, it makes THC an excellent option for people who have lost their appetite during medical procedures such as chemotherapy. Pro tip: if you feel like you’re constantly snacking while ingesting CBD and/or THC and you don’t want to be, look for something with a lower THC content or something without THC at all. 

And finally, THC is often attributed to inducing sleepiness which is true of some marijuana strains, but not all. In fact, that’s just one of the significant ways that Delta 10 and Delta 9 are wildly different from each other. If a THC product was derived from the indica plant, it would likely have strong sedation effects. While products derived from the sativa plant have a more energy-inducing effect. Some describe it as ‘zippy.’. 

Studies are currently being conducted to utilize the lethargy effects of many THCs to create sleep aids for those struggling with insomnia. On the other hand, studies are also being conducted to utilize the ‘zippy’ THCs for energy supplements. 

The Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system was discovered very recently. How recently? 1992! And that discovery has launched humankind into the true impacts of hemp and marijuana on our bodies. The endocannabinoid system, or ECS, is in the entire human body and partially comprises CB1 and CB2 receptors. Those receptors await either endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids produced by the body for the body, or phytocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids produced by plants like hemp and marijuana. 

The existence of the ECS and the CB1 and CB2 receptors is why our bodies can receive cannabinoids and react to them. Furthermore, the way we respond to cannabinoids results from the specific compound and several other factors. For example, if the cannabinoid is psychoactive or non-psychoactive, how potent it is, and which receptor it binds to. 

Delta 10 binds with the CB2 receptors, while Delta 9 binds with CB1. This is what makes the psychoactive effects of these two compounds unique from each other. Delta 9 effects will be more intense than Delta 10 effects because of the receptor it binds to. 

Hemp vs. Marijuana

hemp vs marijuana

Let’s get to the root of THC: the plants. There are hundreds of cannabinoids being produced by cannabis sativa plants. Cannabis sativa plans are either hemp or marijuana. Hemp and hemp products have been federally legal since the farm act of 2018. Marijuana and marijuana products vary legally from state to state. 

The difference between marijuana and hemp is that marijuana is a cannabis plant that contains more than 0.3% THC. On the other hand, Hemp is a cannabis plant that contains 0.3% or less THC. If you grow hemp with higher than 0.3% THC content, you are must destroy it in states where marijuana is not legalized. This is because that THC content has now made your hemp marijuana. 

Delta 9 THC and Delta 10 THC are both produced naturally. Delta 9 is more plentiful in hemp and marijuana plants than many other cannabinoids. Delta 10, on the other hand, is produced in much lower quantities naturally. This has made researchers engineer plants that create Delta 10 in higher amounts. They can extract the desired THC more easily and in larger amounts by doing so. 

The Legal Gray Area of THC

The Legal Gray Area of THC

As discussed earlier, hemp and hemp products were made legal under the 2018 farm bill. Logic follows that this means any THC extracted from hemp products should technically be federally legal as well. However, this is not the case. 

While hemp plants produce less THC than marijuana plants do, they still have THC. Therefore you could be ingesting a THC that came from a hemp plant. However, since THC from both the hemp and marijuana plant are the same compound, they are indecipherable in a drug test. This has put any hemp-derived THC product in a strange, legal gray zone that is distinguished state by state. Stay up to date on state laws to ensure you do not accidentally break one while traveling! 

In 1970, The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 passed and designated that marijuana is one of the most dangerous drugs. Why? The government decided it was most likely to be abused and had no medicinal value. 

Half a century later, we know that isn’t exactly true. We are fortunate enough to live in a more enlightening world towards the value of cannabis sativa plants and their potential. Researchers are constantly working to re-educate the public on the potential health values from these fantastic plants while conducting responsible and thorough studies.

What is Delta 9 THC?

The THC that most of us commonly think of when we think of THC is Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol. That’s because Delta 9 THC is produced most plentiful in most marijuana and hemp plants. It is the Delta 9 content specifically, which determines if a hemp plant is legally considered marijuana.  

Delta 9 is a phytocannabinoid, which means that it is a cannabinoid produced by the marijuana and hemp plants. Endocannabinoids, on the other hand, are produced by the human body. Delta 9 has the most intense euphoric effects yet studied by researchers. 

While Delta 10 and Delta 9 are related, the effects of ingesting or inhaling this compound are very different. Delta 9 has been reported to make users sleepy or lethargic and give them a euphoric feeling. Delta 9 users also often report experiencing a sense of relaxation and reduction in anxiety. 

This isn’t universal; however, many people experience the opposite when it comes to Delta 9 and experience heightened anxiety and even paranoia levels. This is just one of the reasons why research into the various types of cannabinoids and different THCs is so helpful. Just because one compound makes a person anxious doesn’t mean another will. 

Since every person responds differently, it is crucial to speak to a doctor before introducing any new drug into your system. 

Pros and Cons of Delta 9 THC


  • Creates a euphoric high. 
  • May reduce anxiety and depression.
  • Users report Delta 9 helps them fall asleep faster and sleep sounder.
  • A strong option for those who want or need a psychoactive compound to produce intense euphoric results.
  • Has been linked to pain management.


  • Has a strong impact on the brain, which can create anxiety in some people. 
  • Research is still being conducted on the effects of this compound.
  • Some users report increased paranoia when ingesting or inhaling Delta 9. 

What is Delta 10 THC?

Delta 10 THC

Delta 10 is another phytocannabinoid, which means it is produced by plants. It is related to Delta 9. 

Delta 10 is not produced as plentifully as the Delta 9 compound. It is produced by both hemp and marijuana plants, so when it is derived from a hemp plant, it is legal in many states where marijuana is not. However, this area is still gray and confusing, so see the section above about legality for more details. 

Delta 10-tetrahydrocannabinol is a different kind of THC related to the Delta 9 compound but very different. Delta 10 is found in less bounty than the Delta 9, so researchers are engineering plants to produce many different THCs which are not naturally produced plentifully. Delta 10 is just one of those THCs being produced by man-engineered plants. Researchers engineer plants with more Delta 10 THC to experiment with its medicinal value. 

Research on the impacts of Delta 10 is still being conducted. However, many users have reported that they feel happier with Delta 10. They are not reporting that they experience sleepiness or sedation. In fact, many users enjoy utilizing Delta 10 for increased focus and more energy. 

Many marijuana strains have a lot of THC that may stimulate appetite. This helps those who otherwise might not have their appetite due to illness get the ambition to eat. Delta 10 THC users specifically have reported experiencing increased appetite. Which makes it a great potential drug for people who are sick or in recovery and need to be ingesting valuable nutrients to get better. 

And finally, many users have reported that Delta 10 is an excellent THC to help them with pain management. That’s right, Delta 10 has been said to relieve pain while it stimulates appetite and improves your mood. Talk about a super drug! 

Pros and Cons of Delta 10 THC


  • Research has shown that many users report positive impacts like heightened focus and improved moods.
  • This is a psychoactive drug, impacting brain activity and creating a sense of euphoria. 
  • Users consider this a great ‘daytime’ high because it gives them energy.
  • Many studies report that Delta 10 usage results in pain relief and increased appetite. 
  • Delta 10 is an excellent option for those who find the euphoric and sedation effects of Delta 9 THC too strong. 


  • While you can get hemp-derived Delta 10, it is technically THC. This means that having this in your system will make you fail a drug test regardless of it being hemp-derived.
  • Because it must be developed specially by humans to be created and extracted in larger amounts. It is more expensive and harder to find. 
  • Research is still being conducted on the effects of this compound. 
  • Reports of inducing anxiety and paranoia have been made. 

Delta 9 THC vs. Delta 10 THC

While Delta 9 and Delta 10 are both cannabinoids of tetrahydrocannabinol, the effects of ingesting or inhaling Delta 9 are very different from Delta 10. Users of Delta 10 report feeling energized, focused, and ready for the day. Delta 9 users tend to enjoy similar euphoria but feel mellowed out, sedated, and relaxed overall. 

Similarities are due to both THCs being psychoactive, which will both affect the brain rather than the body. Therefore, both will create a sense of euphoria. Users also report pain relief from both Delta 9 and Delta 10. 

However, Delta 10 is reported as being less potent than Delta 9 due to euphoric effects. This is because of the receptors to which the different compounds bind to. Delta 10 binds with the CB2 receptors, while Delta 9 binds with the CB1 receptors. 

Cost-wise, the two are also different. Due to Delta 10 being primarily engineered and harder to find, it will be more expensive than Delta 9 products. Delta 9 will be more affordable and more readily available as well. But if you’re looking for Delta 10 and it’s too expensive, don’t reach for Delta 9. It won’t be what you’re looking for! 

These hemp-derived THCs have all become more popular since the farm act of 2018. The reason is that many states consider Delta 9 and Delta 10 THC legal if it is derived from the hemp plant versus the marijuana plant. Other states, however, don’t care to split hairs in this arena and consider both Delta 9 and Delta 10 illegal. Some states consider Delta 10 illegal but not other hemp-derived THCs like Delta 8. To be sure you aren’t skirting the law, you should look up your state laws. 

FAQs About Delta 9 THC and Delta 10 THC

Question: I Don’t Want to Spend the Money on Delta 10, is Delta 9 a Good Substitute?

Answer: Absolutely not. Delta 9 is going to put you to sleep and mellow you out. If you want the high of Delta 10, Delta 9 cannot deliver on that. Ask your bud-tender for a THC that’s going to give you that ‘zippy’ feeling of Delta 10 without the sticker shock. 

Question: Are Hemp and Marijuana Plants Nearly the Same?

Answer: Yes, they really are. That’s just one reason why state governments splitting hairs becomes tedious. The gray areas get really big really fast. 

Question: Will I Pass a Drug Test if the THC I Inhaled or Ingested is Hemp-derived?

Answer: No. There are no tests that can decipher between hemp or marijuana-derived THCs. After all, the compounds are, all the same, no matter which plant they come from. For this reason, it makes many states hesitant to allow hemp-derived THC products to be sold. It makes policing the compounds all that more difficult. 

Question: I Have Really Enjoyed CBD. Would You Recommend One of These THCs Next?

Answer: CBD gives an entirely different feeling than THC. CBD is non-psychoactive, so it’s going to provide you with a body high, not the brain high from THC. That being said, you can find lots of THCs that are less potent than Delta 9. Delta 8, for example, is a great option. Delta 10 might also work for you because it won’t sedate you for the day. 

Final Thoughts on Delta 9 and Delta 10

While we still have a lot to learn and confirm about Delta 9, Delta 10, and all the cannabinoids that researchers are discovering and studying. We need to know how they interact with our bodies and how we can use their positive effects for healthier lives. 

From where we are standing now, the future is very bright. Hundreds of companies worldwide are funding research and working tirelessly to study the way our endocannabinoid systems interact with phytocannabinoids. 

It’s always important to stay updated on new studies and FDA-approved products from cannabis sativa plants. Staying informed is a great way to know what you’re putting in your body. This way, you will know its effects and why you should or should not choose certain cannabinoids for your lifestyle or circumstances. Additionally, you should always consult your doctor before introducing any new drugs into your system.

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