How to Find the Best Delta-8 Gummy

How to Find the Best Delta-8 Gummy by Stephanie Jensen at CBD Origin

Delta-8 (D8) has been all over the place this past year. It’s the legal form of THC that, yes, is psychoactive.

As with all cannabis products, delta-8 THC comes in many forms. If you don’t want to smoke or vape D8, you can choose to consume gummies.

But how do you find the best D8 gummy? We will offer this advice and more!

TL;DR? In order to get the best experience from delta-8 gummies, consider the lab test, hemp source, and customer reviews. 

I recommend the Everest gummies the most. Everest makes high-quality delta-8 products. At 20mg per gummy, they’re potent but not too intense. I still recommend beginners and anyone with low tolerance cut one in half.

About Delta-8 THC Gummies

Best Delta-8 Gummy

First and foremost, what are delta-8 gummies? First and foremost, let’s brief a little on delta-8.

Delta-8 THC is the isomer of delta-9 THC, which is the form that’s most prevalent in the cannabis plant. “Isomer” is a fancy word that means “minor chemical variant.” While D8 and D9 are practically similar, there are some differences that will impact your experience with both.

In order to isolate the delta-8, cultivators extract the cannabinoids out of the hemp plant. In order for D8 products to be legal, they have to come from hemp – NOT marijuana.

From here, the D8 (plus other cannabinoids for full-spectrum) are added to a gummy base. The end product is a food-grade yummy treat.

Delta-8 gummies have their pros and cons. They’re the perfect option if you don’t want to smoke or vape. They’re also easy to dose – just eat one and you’re done! Depending on the gummy, they have a long shelf life.

I think the biggest downside is delta-8 gummies tend to be way more potent than vaping, which is what I prefer. Don’t listen to the sources that say delta-8 is milder than delta-9 – D8 will still get you HIGH! 

So proceed with caution, the same way you would for any cannabis product. In addition, D8 can still show up on a drug test.

How to Find the Best Delta-8 Gummies

If you know that D8 gummies are right for you, let’s get right to it! I will show you how to find the best D8 gummies.

delta 8

Lab Testing

In order to prove the purity of the product, manufacturers should test their products with a third-party lab. A reputable brand will make their test results accessible.

When looking at the test, make sure it only contains legal delta-8 THC and not illegal delta-9 THC.

The test result will also show the prevalence of any other cannabinoids and if they contain heavy metals and other contaminants.

You shouldn’t buy from any company that refuses to show you their test results (often called the Certificate of Analysis).

Hemp Source

The best brands are transparent with where they source their hemp. The delta-8 should always be extracted from hemp, but ensure that the hemp is organic and grown in your country. 

The farm that grew the hemp should use clean soil and they should never grow hemp with pesticide. Mold should also not be in the product.


Inevitably, you’ll find mixed reviews for products. But customer reviews can tell us a lot, so I made sure these products had positive reviews. 

The reason why this is important to me is that everyone has different experiences with delta-8. I wanted to ensure that the majority of users felt good when eating these gummies.

What to Avoid in Delta-8 Gummies

Best Delta-8 Gummy

While most delta-8 products are legitimate, this is a relatively new industry and there are less-than-perfect products out there. Legality is still mixed, so compliance is also of the essence. 

Because of these factors and more, there are some red flags to look for when choosing delta-8 products.


Extracting the delta-8 and other cannabinoids from hemp is an arduous process. The best companies use safe hemp extraction methods or CBD distillation in order to extract the delta-8 in the safest way possible.

Unfortunately, there are some companies that still use chemical and solvent extraction because it’s cheaper and easier. This also means traces of chemicals and other impurities may end up in your product.

Research the methods in which a company extracts the delta-8 THC. If they don’t make this information readily available, reach out to them and ask. Always look at the COA to confirm their claims.


There are times when a delta-8 company will add preservatives and other additives to the delta-8 product. Preservatives can cause many health effects, so it’s integral that you only buy natural delta-8 gummies.

Other common additives you may find include flavor. The best companies use natural fruit juices and extracts to flavor their gummies. It’s best to only eat delta-8 gummies with natural flavor as opposed to artificial flavoring.

Keep in mind, some products I recommend do contain artificial flavors and colors. If a brand has high-quality products, I judge that more than the synthetic flavors. I just mention this in case you have allergies to only use the products here that are all natural ingredients.

How do you ensure that a brand doesn’t include preservatives, artificial ingredients, and other additives in their gummies? 

Read the ingredient list. In addition to delta-8 hemp extract, the product should only contain a gummy base and flavor. Avoid any brand that uses hard-to-pronounce and suspicious ingredients.


Eeeeeek! Yes, there are times when bleach will end up in your delta-8 products. There’s a myth that colorless delta-8 products mean they’re pure. This is untrue; delta-8 extracts naturally have a pink hue.

To keep up with demands, delta-8 brands started bleaching their products. Scary, I know.

While this is more common in concentrates, you should be aware of this when purchasing delta-8 gummies.

Delta-8 vs. Delta-9 THC

Delta 8 vs Delta 9 THC

Why is it called “delta-8” THC? Well, the THC cannabinoid is more complex than you think. This cannabinoid has a couple of different compounds. Delta-8 is a minor compound to delta-9.

Delta-9 THC is the famous form of THC. The one found in marijuana that gives you that “high.” 

Delta-9 is also found in hemp. However, delta-8 THC is only found in hemp. Since delta-9 is found in both hemp and marijuana, it’s federally illegal except in states where medical and/or recreational marijuana is allowed.

Keep in mind, some states have banned delta-8 THC. Before ordering D8, make sure you research your state’s laws.

Side Effects of Delta-8 THC

Delta-8 THC comes with similar side effects as delta-9 THC. These include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Munchies
  • Dizziness
  • Red eyes
  • Sedation
  • Problems focusing
  • Short-term memory loss

As you can see, these side effects are bothersome but mild. Delta-8 THC is overall considered safe. It’s also nearly impossible to overdose on delta-8. But the more delta-8 you take, the likelier you will experience side effects.

The best course of action is to only use delta-8 products from reputable brands. Refer back to the “What to Avoid” section to know the red flags of low-quality D8 products.

How to Dose Delta-8 Gummies

Delta-8 gummies are easy to dose. However, beginners should take careful consideration. When you consume D8 through the digestive system, your liver will turn it into a stronger form of THC. This is why users feel more intense effects when consuming cannabis edibles.

To find the best dosage, first refer to the brand’s instructions. Most will have you consume one delta-8 gummy at a time. This is a good course of action for experienced marijuana and D8 users.

However, for beginners and anyone with a low tolerance, I suggest cutting a gummy in half. Wait an hour. If you still don’t feel effects, eat the second half.

For experienced users, pay attention to the potency. 

A D8 gummy can contain anywhere between 10-60mg per edible. If you’re used to eating 10mg D8 gummies and suddenly switch to a 25 or 30mg gummy, you’re going to have a bad time. 

Again, if the D8 gummies you bought are more potent, cut one in half. Beginners and those with a low tolerance should choose a 10 or 15mg gummy.

Delta-8 THC Legality

I know what you’re thinking. C’mon. How can a psychoactive cannabis product be federally legal?

The 2018 Farm Bill has a loophole. The law states any compound that comes from hemp is federally legal. Of course, some crafty cannabis cultivators extracted and isolated delta-8 THC. And, well…

Again, some states are taking it upon themselves to ban this cannabinoid. Refer back to the map I included in the D8 vs D9 THC section to see if delta-8 is legal in your state.

Keep in mind, these laws could change any day. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) know about delta-8 THC and are working to restrict its sales.

What I Looked For in Delta-8 Gummies

In order to bring you the best delta-8 gummies, I specifically looked for these qualities:

  • Safe extraction methods
  • Organic or natural hemp
  • Lab testing
  • Positive reviews

I also took the factors in the “What to Avoid” section into consideration.

My Favorite Delta-8 Gummies

Everest Delta-8 Gummies

Delta-8 Gummies

Everest makes some of the best quality delta-8 products on the market. Each gummy contains 20mg of delta-8, so I would only recommend these to experienced users. 

Everest not only makes these products from high-grade and non-GMO hemp but their products are vegan and grown in the USA. You can choose between the flavors watermelon, blue raspberry, and peach.


  • Great delta-8 gummies that give you a good sensation
  • Sustainably-sourced
  • Potent
  • A variety of delicious flavors


  • Not the best option for beginners

Above by SunMed Delta-8 Gummies

Above by SunMed Delta-8 Gummies

I’ve had these gummies and one edible did it for me. Above is the delta-8 brand of CBD company SunMed. I’m actually using SunMed’s delta-8 Indica vape now and I love it.

What makes these gummies stand out is they’re full-spectrum, so you get the healing from other cannabinoids in the hemp plant. Each gummy contains 25mg of cannabinoids.

Plus, they’re delicious! These gummies feature an assortment of fruit flavors and they’re all good. The flavors come from fruit and these gummies are vegan.


  • Natural fruit flavors
  • Full-spectrum


  • May be too intense for some users – I thought they were very potent

Boston Hemp Inc. HHC & Delta-8 High Life Jolly Sour Gummies

D8 Delta-8 THC Gummies Mango x Tango

Boston Hemp Inc. has a variety of fun and delicious gummies. 

They have different flavors and types of gummies, but these sour ones got the best reviews. In addition to delta-8, these gummies contain HHC, which is a semi-synthetic cannabinoid that has similar psychoactive effects as THC.

These products were made in Colorado and Boston Hemp Inc. displays the cannabinoid results on the web page.


  • Potent – each gummy contains 20mg of HHC and D8
  • Yummy sour flavor


  • Boston Hemp Inc. is a relatively new company

Diamond CBD Chill Plus Delta Force Squares Gummies

D8 Delta-8 THC Gummies Mango x Tango

In addition to high-quality CBD products, Diamond CBD offers a range of delta-8 gummies. I chose these Chill gummies because they’re so unique.

These gummies feature both D8 and CBD isolates. As the name suggests, these gummies are best if you want a nice buzz during a relaxing night. 

This is their normal formula, but they have other D8 varieties. These gummies come in different potencies. I suggest starting with the 500mg if you’re a beginner or have a low tolerance.


  • Helps you relax and go to sleep
  • You only need one to experience effects
  • D8/CBD mix


  • Some customers complained of an aftertaste

D8 Delta-8 THC Gummies Mango x Tango

D8 Delta-8 THC Gummies Mango x Tango

The brand D8 has so many innovative gummy flavors. I don’t see many mango flavors out there (and I love mango!) so I decided to include these. Don’t worry, you have a myriad of other flavors to choose from, such as lime sorbet and watermelon.

While these gummies are on the pricey side, you get what you pay for. They only use real fruit extracts in their flavoring and 25mg of delta-8 per gummy. All of their gummies are made with naturally-sourced ingredients that are free from additives and toxins.


  • Taste great
  • Variety of flavors
  • Made with fruit extracts and natural ingredients
  • Only need one or two to feel the effects


  • Expensive


Question: Does Delta-8 THC Make you High?

Answer: In one word, yes. Like delta-9 THC, D8 also gets you high and the high is similar. The more D8 you consume, the higher you get.

You’ll read many sources online that tell you a D8 high is subtler than a D9 high. This is false; D8 gummies will definitely knock you off your feet the same way traditional marijuana edibles do.

I should mention that regular marijuana users may find the D8 high less aggressive than a D9 high. Even so, I’ve given my D8 gummies to two people I know who are long-term and avid marijuana users, and they still said they felt an intense high from D8 gummies.

But as with any cannabis product, you develop a tolerance to D8. 

As you use it daily, you will be able to handle more of the cannabinoid. The first time I ate a D8 gummy, the high literally slapped me across the face. I switched to D8 vaping, and I can take a few hits at a time now without feeling an intense high.

If this is your first time experiencing a marijuana psychoactive high, go slow and steady with D8 gummies. I will discuss more information about dosing in another section. 

Even if you’re an experience marijuana user, use D8 in moderation. Don’t drive or operate machinery when using delta-8 THC.

Question: Are All Delta-8 Gummies the Same?

Answer: Not at all! Every brand has a variety of products that vary in potency. They also vary in flavor and ingredients. It’s best to refer to the “How to Find” section in order to choose delta-8 gummies that are right for you.

Question: How Long Does it Take Delta-8 Gummies to Kick in?

Answer: At least an hour, sometimes closer to two. The effects peak around 3-4 hours and subside after that. However, expect a delta-8 high to last around eight hours. Only take delta-8 when you don’t expect to drive, work, or do anything productive.


Delta-8 THC is becoming more popular. There are a variety of ways to use D8, and eating gummies is a popular method. In order to find the best delta-8 gummies, you’ll need to know what to look for. 

Refer to our guide when buying delta-8 gummies and feel free to consider our product recommendations!

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