Should You Use CBD Oil for Pain? by Aaron Cadena at CBD Origin
Why Use CBD Oil for Pain
Pain can come in variety of forms including nociceptive pain (caused by damage to the tissues, muscles, joints, tendons, or bones), neuropathic pain (caused by damage to the nervous system), and inflammatory pain (caused by inflammation to the tissues, muscles, joints, tendons, or bones). Each type of pain can be chronic (long-lasting, typically longer than 3-6 months), or acute pain (lasting typically less or within 3-6 months). Acute pain can be treated with simple solutions such as acetaminophen (otherwise known as Tylenol) and some good rest; but chronic pain on the other hand can last for very long periods of time, often being unbearable. There are many methods for managing chronic pain such as therapy or pain medications, but these aren’t always effective, and pain medications can be very addictive. For those suffering from chronic pain, using CBD oil for pain provides a natural alternative that research has indicated can be very effective.
How Can CBD Be Used for Pain Management?
CBD, otherwise known as Cannabidiol, is one of the less recognized naturally occurring chemical compounds in the hemp plant. Unlike the more popular molecule, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is completely non-psychoactive, meaning it will not make you feel “stoned” or “high,” while still providing the many healing benefits of the hemp plant. According to a 2013 study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, CBD proves to have anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antioxidant, antiemetic, anxiolytic properties, positioning it as an agent for relieving many ailments, one of which is chronic pain.
In a study, conducted in 2008 researchers assessed if CBD could relieve chronic pain by analyzing case studies from the 1980’s and 2007, while also performing their own research. Based on their studies, the researchers concluded that CBD is effective in relieving chronic pain without any adverse side effects. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, as well as the way receptors in our bodies react to cannabinoids found in CBD, CBD can provide relief to pain such as:
- Arthritis
- Muscle Pain
- Migraines
- Fibromyalgia
- Joint Pains
- Pain Associated with Cancer
And, it’s not just research indicating that CBD can provide significant relief to chronic pain. Hundreds of people who regularly use CBD to manage their chronic pain tell their stories every day. And as the research continues, the evidence will continue to prove that what these people are raving about is true.
If you or a loved one is experiencing chronic pain, and are tired of taking pain medication, we invite you to use CBD oil for pain. We do recommend consulting a medical professional if you are pregnant or have any medical conditions. It is also very important to consult a medical professional if you are considering switching from a prescription drug to an all-natural solution like CBD, as there may be withdrawal effects from getting off your prescription. CBD can provide wonderful benefits for a variety of ailments, but it is always important to do research! If you need assistance in deciding where to purchase CBD, please visit our recommended vendors list.
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