August 8, 2019 • 37:22 minutes
#105 – A CBD Company Created By Physicians, Scientists, and Farmers
Dr. Matt Dawson has been obsessed with performance optimization as long as he can remember. He received scholarships to play two sports in college even with “minimal talent” because of his voracious reading and implementation of any fitness or nutritional techniques that would give him an edge. He continued that obsession in medical school and, as a physician, he has won numerous national awards for education, innovation, and leadership. He has lectured in over 20 countries and trained thousands of other physicians through live lecture, online education, two textbooks, and even an educational app. He combines his training in genomics and functional medicine to give personalized, precise medical guidance.
His obsession with performance optimization has morphed from initially athletic to now mental performance, business performance, and longevity. Whether it’s a professional athlete or a grandparent optimizing their mental clarity and mobility to keep up with their grandkids, Dr. Dawson is passionate about helping everyone perform at their absolute peak.
Links of Interest
Wild Health CBD
Dr. Matt Dawson of Wild Health
The Wild Health Podcast
Summary Keywords
cbd, people, patients, kentucky, tobacco, talking, studies, podcast, anxiety, farmers, growing, sleep, wild, third party testing, physician, product, milligrams, health, hemp
Vadim Fedorovsky, Host, CBD School Podcast
Dr. Matt Dawson, Founder and CEO, Wild Health CBD
Podcast Transcript
Vadim 00:10
All right. And we are back in class. This is Vadim, the CBD professor from Your school to learn all about cannabidiol. This episode of the CBD School Podcast is brought to you by Wild Health CBD. To grab 10% of any Wild Health CBD products, make sure to use the coupon code cbdschool10 and that’s just for CBD School listeners of the podcast. So visit That’s And use the coupon code cbdschool10 for 10% of your whole order. If you’d like to also consult with our guest, Matt, about anything health related or specifically if you have questions about CBD, you can also visit the website for his health and human optimization practice and that is So it’s just like the other website, but it’s MD instead of CBD. So it’s and you can consult with Matt by visiting that website.
I’m delighted because my guest today is Matt from Wild Health CBD. A brand that’s based in Kentucky with a rich, rich history of growing hemp. So Matt, welcome to the show.
Matt 01:46
Thanks so much for having me.
Vadim 01:47
We were bantering a bit back and forth. You guys have quite an interesting background, not typical of some of the other CBD companies that I’ve encountered. So we’d love to just go right into it and learn more. Tell us more about Wild Health.
Matt 02:01
Sure. So we’re based in Kentucky, like you mentioned, which is a great state for growing hemp. And we’re a group of physicians and PhD chemists and farmers who care deeply about both the soil and the land and farming and also just health in general. So we created this product seed to shelf in order to — honestly, I wanted to have something that I felt good about giving my patients and taking myself.
Vadim 02:25
So, the CBD, it’s all made in Kentucky?
Matt 02:28
Correct. It’s all made in Kentucky, the entire process. We’re based in Lexington, Kentucky. A beautiful horse country there but also just perfect for hemp. One of the best places in the world for growing it. So we control the whole process ourselves and we know what’s in it. So this all started several years ago when my patients just continued to ask me more and more about CBD. And I got interested in it years before and read all the research and the literature. And I knew the incredible potential of the molecule. I just had a hard time recommending a completely unregulated supplement when I didn’t know where it was coming from. You see horror stories about the third-party testing.
And so I started really digging in and first met these couple PhD chemists who had a biotech company, CLIA-certified lab. Dr. Bright has a degree in molecular biology from Princeton and a PhD in genomics from UC San Diego, Dr. Chase Kempinski has a PhD in plant physiology. And these guys were processing and they were doing it right. And they were doing all the third-party testing as well just for people around the state and other companies. And they had an amazing product that I thought nobody else had this kind of quality, just with their background and their quality assurance. And then I met some farmers as well. I’m a physician. I know a few other physicians who are just passionate about farming in the land. And we decided we should grow it as well. One of our farmers has a PhD in pharmacology and he’s an MD so he’s a pretty qualified hemp farmer for growing and really talking about the science of the different strains and percentages. So that’s our company. We’re a very science based company. We’re trying to do things the right way and create the purest product we can for the most efficacy for our patients.
Vadim 04:04
Interesting. Okay. So how long have you been doing the growing in Lexington and researching this?
Matt 04:09
I work with a few different farmers. Some of them have experienced up to five years and others are just starting in other areas so that we want to be in kind of different places and running experiments and trying to optimize.
Kentucky Hemp Industry
Vadim 04:19
Yeah. I’ve been to Lexington one time. There was a hemp show there. I forget which one. I think it was the National Hemp Association. And yeah, definitely a lot of experienced people were there. I’ve never been to the fields in Kentucky. What’s the scene? Can you tell us more about the scene? Because I know there’s some very large producers there like Atalo, and what was the name of the other one? GenCanna. I’m assuming they have large acreage. Does Kentucky have caps on acreage?
Matt 04:45
No right now. I did meet with the State Agricultural Commissioner recently. He came and visited. Right now, there’s no caps. They may put caps because there’s so many license requests right now that are going on. And yeah, those big companies you mentioned, they’re within 30-mile radius of where we are, and they definitely are producing a lot of products. I don’t know them personally. Our process is quite a bit different from the big players. Really, it’s more of a small batch process. We’re really focusing not really on volume. I don’t think we ever will focus on volume. We’re just trying to make a really pure product and doing a lot of testing along the way just to make sure it’s exactly what we want.
Vadim 05:21
Yeah, that’s great. What kinds of strains have you been growing or any research into particular varieties? Right now what we’re doing here in PA is actually the farmers are trying to make a PA strain that is totally adapted and optimized for Pennsylvania basically. Because this kind of hemp hasn’t been really grown. I don’t think this is the kind of hemp that was grown by Pennsylvanians before. I don’t think — I mean, not as much for CBD. They were growing like the field hemp, right?
Matt 05:49
Right. We’re just very fortunate in Kentucky. We just have a perfect climate environment.Just about anything does well here, right?
Vadim 05:58
Okay. How much rain do you get? Do you get a lot of rain?
Matt 06:00
We get enough. We get a really good amount. I lived out west for a while. And part of my impetus for moving back is just the lushness of the state and how great it was to grow things from your own food in your backyard to hemp. And so our PhD plant physiologist and our other chemists, they are working with some of the farmers on some specific, optimized strains and doing some really cool stuff to try to improve the plan. And I shouldn’t say improve the plant. To optimize for our purposes. I don’t think we can really improve the plant by definition. We can optimize for what we wanted. But they would be a better person to ask. We may have some of our chemists come on at some point and talk to you more about that if you’re interested.
Vadim 06:39
Sure, sure. Absolutely. I love getting into the details on that. And I think you made some good points about, you know, the state of the industry. But do you think it’s getting better in terms of the quality control in the products?
Matt 06:53
I think the consumers are demanding, and people are starting to understand you really should look at the third-party testing. And I’m very hopeful of the space. I think everyone sees also that regulation is coming in. People are trying to do it the right way and be ready for that. We are really hoping that someone makes some sort of rules just because we do worry about the quality and the safety of what’s in the market right now. So as much as I’m not really a person that enjoys regulation in general, this is an area where I do get worried when I see some of the people that do the stuff they’re doing in their basement to get products and then just putting it in a bottle on a brand and selling it. So yeah, I kind of honestly — I’m probably in the minority, but I kind of hope for regulation in this space soon.
Vadim 07:33
Oh, no, I agree with you. People who are following the rules, playing by the rules and have a free, you know, free but with some rules, basically. I mean, that’s how they regulate alcohol, tobacco. I always think it’s funny that people don’t know that tobacco like cigarettes are FDA approved, but CBD is not. Just so you know. It’s kind of funny, but it just shows that it’s an example of you can have a regulated product that not everybody agrees with or even everybody — a huge majority of people aren’t even against, but it’s still regulated in terms of its quality for the people that do use it. In Kentucky, is it true that a lot of the tobacco farmers are converting to hemp?
Matt 08:10
It is true. We do have a lot of acreage and we’re doing less and less tobacco farming. And I think our representatives and others see this is a great transition for Kentucky, a great way to help farmers. I’m a big supporter of farmers in general. And that’s why I had the meeting, I mentioned with the Ag Commissioner, just talking about farming in general. And this is a way that we can get our farmers producing something actually healthy instead of the opposite. I was very conflicted growing up with my keen interest in health and going to medical school and becoming a physician but I grew up working on tobacco farms. I’ve been involved in every part of the process. And it just always really bothered me even though I had relatives who it’s their livelihood. It was kind of frustrating that we were producing something that we knew wasn’t good for people. So this is a really incredible win-win for our state in particular to help both farmers make a good living and also to be able to produce something that’s hopefully improving the world instead of the opposite.
Vadim 09:06
Yeah, exactly. And I think we actually in Pennsylvania have places where they’re growing tobacco right next to the hemp, the Amish, you know, because they grow a lot of tobacco too here. I think it’s more for cigars, whereas in Kentucky was cigarette tobacco probably. Why is that dying down? Is there less demand for that.
Matt 09:22
You know, I’m not 100% sure. I assumed it was a demand issue. The fact that people just understand how bad cigarettes are for them now. I may be wrong. I’m not really in that world. I know nothing about tobacco except how sick it made me when I was a 10-year old working in it.
Vadim 09:37
Working in a factory?
Matt 09:38
No, just working in the fields.
Vadim 09:40
Oh, I see, I see.
Matt 09:41
You get tobacco poisoning and things like that. So yeah, it’s not a pleasant plant to work with that in the fields.
Vadim 09:48
In your skin?
Matt 09:48
Exactly. You know, you absorb it. I remember topping tobacco when I was younger working in the fields, and then by lunchtime, you go and eat a sandwich and you ingest some of it on your fingers and that’s going to be a bad rest of your day.
Vadim 09:59
So how would you — you just wash it off? You have to wash it?
Matt 10:02
Exactly. Yeah, you need to wash it off better. You can have a little bit to your skin, but the main reason was you get to eat it. You get some sandwich or something like that and you get it from the fingers and you ingest it.
Vadim 10:13
Okay, okay. And it actually feels like the nicotine goes in that way?
Matt 10:18
Oh, it does. Yeah, it does. You’ve absorbed it. But I mean, just like chewing tobacco, you’ve absorbed it orally, so you don’t have to smoke the tobacco. So you get that nicotine and all the other chemicals on the tobacco plant. And now that I’m mentioning this, I’m thinking, where were my parents as a 10-year old doing this? I’ve really been out in the fields, working it, but that’s just what we did. And I grew up in a small town, a rural farming town.
Vadim 10:39
In Kentucky?
Matt 10:39
Exactly. Yeah.
Getting into the CBD Business
Vadim 10:40
So we were talking before you and your partner have an alternative health practice, I guess you could call it.
Matt 10:46
Vadim 10:47
Or not typical. What made you want to get into CBD? What was the… I mean, you must have been — partially because you’re all around it there in Kentucky. It’s probably very popular in the state.
Matt 10:56
Yeah, well, our practice, you’re right. It’s a little bit of a different practice. It’s a genomics-based personalized medicine company where we take people and our goal is simply to optimize them. We sequence their DNA, look at all the different advantages, disadvantages they may have, look at what’s called single nucleotide polymorphisms. And we look at their lab testing, their hormones, vitamins, mineral levels, and even do microbiome testing. And then we put all of that data together with a long conversation with them about their lifestyle and social history, family history. And we try to optimize people.
And we’ve had great success with that, with treating people like people, like individuals, and not just stats and epidemiology like medicine normally does. But we started having a lot of patients asking about CBD. And this is something that I’d already researched. Actually, the first person that ever gave me CBD was a Harvard professor who is a hero of mine and had published tons of research in this field of medicine I’m interested in. And he and I had started a nonprofit. We were at a strategic offsite meeting and handed me CBD. And I didn’t know what to do.
Vadim 11:56
What’s his name?
Matt 11:57
Dr. Mike Stone. He’s on our advisory board as well. He’s in Portland, Oregon. And I thought this Harvard professor was giving me drugs. Because I knew nothing about it at the time. But it got me interested to get me started reading and actually wanted to experiment myself after I read about it, and realized, okay, this was something legal he gave me. We were in Oregon. And the research is pretty incredible. It’s a safe and efficacious compound. So that’s what really got me researching it. And then when our patients —
Vadim 12:25
When you dive in, you kind of dive into it, you realize there’s a lot of research in it. I mean, as much as it’s lacking in clinical stuff, there’s many, many years of research into cannabinoids on animals.
Matt 12:34
Right. And completely different in the next few years. Because we are really lacking human studies.
Vadim 12:40
People, people, yeah, I mean, you need those gold standard clinical trials. I mean, you don’t need that. Because if you use it, you pretty much your own evidence is stronger than anything, but you know.
Matt 12:51
Yeah. I think, I mean, unfortunately, we’re not just big mice. So as much as I like the mouse studies, you’re right. I agree with you. We need human studies. The reason I’m okay with not having massive human studies right now — well, I’m not okay, I think we need to have those. But the reason I’m okay with my patients taking it is just because any decision that we make, it’s a risk benefit. And when you look at the safety profile of this medicine, it’s worth a try for a lot of the indications that our patients want to try it for. And we just monitor them closely and make sure we don’t have any problems with it or interactions with other medications because it can. There are some downsides. Compared to other medications and drugs, it’s extremely safe. But there are definitely things to watch out for.
Vadim 13:33
Like what for instance?
Matt 13:34
Well, other interactions with other medications.
Vadim 13:38
Have you had any — I mean, actually, I know it’s a thing. And it’s possible. But have you ever met anyone that ever had the problem with that?
Matt 13:45
So I have had a couple patients who — especially if you’re taking any kind of psychoactive medications, I have heard a couple stories, and these are very small and minor things. And just to be honest, there was a big deal made recently about the UKAD Epidiolex and the FDA warning about liver toxicity and elevated LFTs. And it’s very, very overblown. It’s at dosages that people wouldn’t be taking. But I do know a lot of researchers in the field and some of them have — I mean, I was talking to one last week, one of the leading researchers and he’s very positive, his studies are going really well. But he has noticed some bump in LFTs or liver function tests at doses that we may take for sleep or some other indications.
So it’s something to think about. And I’m obviously very positive on this molecule. I’m a big fan. But as a physician, I care about my patients, and we want to do it safely. So I feel a responsibility to talk about those things. And we have a podcast actually called the Wild Health Podcast, where we’ve done several episodes and we talk some about the safety and how to take it and just some of the mechanisms. And I really appreciate what you’re doing with all the education because we need more of it. And we’re trying to do the same thing. So the Wild Health Podcast, we’ve recorded 10 more episodes where we start to release because we get so many questions from patients. Does it work for anxiety? Does it work for depression? Does it work for this? And so we’re trying to answer those going through all the literature and evidence and we’re going to be putting those out now one at a time over the next few weeks.
Vadim 15:13
Oh, yeah. It’s great to have on, like we were saying before, someone else who also does podcasts regularly, and I’ll definitely link to your podcast so people can check it out. And is it the Wild Health Podcast?
Matt 15:24
Correct. Yes, it’s just the Wild Health Podcast. And really, it’s genomics based personalized medicine if someone’s interested in that, but also, we’ve done quite a few about CBD. Because to be honest, that’s what I get the most questions about from patients or other listeners to the podcast. So it’s important to get that information out. If we don’t, people are just going to be taking it anyway, which on the one hand, is a good thing, we just want them to be a little bit educated about the chemistry of it and how it works and when to take it and what for.
Vadim 15:55
This episode of the CBD School Podcast is brought to you by Wild Health CBD. To grab 10% of any Wild Health CBD products, make sure to use the coupon code cbdschool10 and that’s just for CBD School listeners of the podcast. So visit That’s And use the coupon code cbdschool10 for 10% of your whole order. If you’d like to also consult with our guest, Matt, about anything health related or specifically if you have questions about CBD, you can also visit the website for his health and human optimization practice and that is So it’s just like the other website, but it’s MD instead of CBD. So it’s and you can consult with Matt by visiting that website.
What do you recommend people do if they’re concerned about drug interactions? Because we get quite a bit of questions about that actually. Probably some of the most questions are about that.
Matt 17:08
Unfortunately, just pretty much anything that you ask me, the answer is always going to be it depends because I know that everyone is so different. So it’s going to be an issue where they’re probably gonna need to talk to their doctor. The CBD works on so many different pathways and enzymes and so it can have an effect. So the best thing would be to talk to your physician about the medications you’re on. Find an open minded physician. I mean, a lot of them obviously are not going to know it.
Vadim 17:30
Right, right.
Matt 17:31
Somebody who knows — it may be before you even ask about interactions, ask them about the molecule and see if they know anything about it before you even ask. And then once you do start trying it, it just needs to be monitored. You need to be cautious and start slow. Like anything else. Even if you’re starting an exercise program, it’s going to be great for you but start slow, and do it appropriately, and you probably have great results, at least most of our patients do.
Vadim 17:52
Yeah, exactly. It’s the same thing I say is to go over with your doctor. The only way to know for sure is to check, right? To check in the blood.
Matt 18:01
Exactly. So if you’re worried about the liver function test, for example, yeah, I mean, that’s a blood test that your doctor orders. It’s pretty cheap and pretty quick and easy to get. And honestly, it’s not a huge concern, but especially if anyone that I would feel remiss if I didn’t mention it for anyone who has liver disease or is taking medications or something that’s going to affect and tax their liver, this would be something else for it to do.
Vadim 18:21
Is it true that CBD — there’s been a lot of talk in the headlines lately that CBD can hurt the liver. But it’s not worded properly because what’s missing is it can hurt the liver from a drug interaction or just on its own?
Matt 18:32
Great question. So the headlines drive me insane because there’s always so much more nuance.
Vadim 18:36
You’ve seen them?
Matt 18:38
I have.
Vadim 18:39
Well, that’s how headlines — that’s how they work. They’re roping you in. I mean, I’m not against that.
Matt 18:43
So I’ve read the studies that they’re talking about and referencing. And so just to be clear, those study doses are — so it’s in mouse models is what they’re talking about, not human data, really. In the mouse models, you’re talking about elevated equivalent doses that are like 20 mgs per kg, or more, which is basically like you’re drinking a whole bottle of 1500-milligram bottle. So taking that chronically is what those studies are about. Now, the Epidiolex warning from the FDA, that is based a little bit on human studies, just some elevations of liver function tests. But again, that’s with really high doses when you’re treating Dravet syndrome and kids with epilepsy that are resistant to other treatment. So they’re doing, again, same thing. 20 milligrams per kilogram. So for you or I,1500 milligrams, a bottle which is usually high in strength.
Vadim 19:27
A day?
Matt 19:28
A day and chronically. However, I kind of threw those studies away and so that’s useless. That doesn’t make sense. Anything you take in high enough doses, it’s gonna cause problems. So those studies, I kind of threw away. I will just say that, like I said, I’ve talked to some researchers and there is some bump in liver function tests at smaller doses. But whether those are significant or not, whether they matter clinically, nobody knows. I mean, you can get a little bump with alcohol as well with Tylenol. There’s so many things that anything you do that your liver metabolizes if you tax it enough, you’ll get a little bump. So I am totally comfortable with patients in the dosages that we normally see them taking 15 to 25 milligrams. If they’re doing the study doses for sleep, which is 100 to 150, then we start talking about those things. And we start talking about how to optimize the liver with maybe some other supplements or what things to avoid while they’re taking it because of the liver. And then we test, we follow them up, we want to do this really safely. So it’s a long winded answer. But it’s complicated. Does it affect the liver or not? It does affect it. How important that is is what we don’t know yet.
Vadim 20:34
Okay. So it does. But just to confirm, it does affect it on its own aside from drug interactions.
Matt 20:39
That’s correct. Number one, at really high doses. That’s been published. And number two, just anecdotally from me talking to other researchers, I think it’s an area to watch in the field. That is part of the reason that the brand you get is so important. You and everyone else, we’ve seen these reports of having dosages multiple times than what’s on the bottle just because someone doesn’t have the lab experience and have the quality control.
Vadim 21:02
Well, I’ve never seen one. I’ve never seen a product that had more CBD in it than advertised. It’s always less. So I’d say that’s on the safe side there.
Matt 21:11
Yeah, you’re right. It’s usually less. It saves them money; they make more profit. But I actually have seen a few and we’ve tested some ourselves.
Vadim 21:19
What, high?
Matt 21:11
Yeah, they’re kind of all over the place sometimes. But you’re totally right. It’s usually low.
Vadim 21:25
That’s interesting. I see what you’re saying. I see what you’re saying. I mean, I think this will be a very groundbreaking podcast for people to listen to because I don’t think a lot of people know about the liver aspects. It’s pretty new. Like I said, I’ve only been seeing it in the headlines recently. And I didn’t see it much before with other research I was doing. You know, CBD is always regarded as being very, very safe. But you were talking about doses. And you were saying what are some typical dosages that you’re seeing?
Matt 21:51
Right. So that’s the very important thing. The dose makes the poison and the dose is what makes it work as well. You got to take the right dose for the right indication.So I don’t want to be an alarmist. No, I’m not. We talked about the liver things. Because again, those dosages, just to put this in perspective, were 20 milligrams per kilogram and more. So 1500 milligrams for a normal size at all, like you and I. And again, most people are buying the 500-milligram bottles. That’s like choking three of those every day. Now the dosages that people are using clinically that we’re seeing good results with is for anxiety and chronic pain and like 15-to-25-milligram range. So this one 100 of the toxic range and toxic dose.
Vadim 22:32
How many times a day would they do that? Just whenever they need it?
CBD AND Genetics
Matt 22:35
Yeah. Everyone is so individualized. We usually start, just watch and see. I mean, maybe in the morning, I mean, with the half life of CBD, it’s in there for a little while. So lower doses may be fine once, sometimes twice. The problem is, if you look at the studies on sleep, which a lot of people use it for.
Vadim 22:54
They’re at higher dose.
Matt 22:54
Exactly. Those are 100, 250 milligrams. And I haven’t seen reports in the literature of that causing liver issues. But like I said, I’ve just heard some anecdotal things from researchers currently. So that’s just something to watch out for in the future. And so if I have a patient on a sleep dose that high then we’re probably gonna encourage them to not take it every night and give them other strategies to help them sleep as well. Sleep is a big focus of ours also at Wild Health.
Vadim 23:17
Sleep is… yeah, that’s like a huge thing now. I mean, I know it’s just one of those things you can’t really get around so just do it.
Matt 23:24
Exactly right.
Vadim 23:25
I use melatonin but I don’t always like to because it lasts too long. I think CBD does help with sleep and it doesn’t have an effect in the morning, you know, which is good. But that is a high dose, Matt, actually. So a lot of people are using 100 to 150, I mean, I guess that would maybe add more drowsiness.
Matt 23:43
Yeah, yeah. And you made a couple good points there. Just want to circle back. You talked about melatonin and CBD for sleep. So with our patients, everyone responds differently. Melatonin, it makes people really groggy in the morning. Sometimes other people do great. And a lot of it has to do with their genetics. So we look at what’s called an MTRN1A and MTRN1B polymorphisms to see what kind of melatonin receptors people have, and then we’ll do a test with them that we give everybody sleep trackers. But the same thing with CBD, when we say CBD works for sleep or we say CBD works for anxiety, it’s true in the regular medical sense of it works for most people. It has some good results. But everybody’s different. Some people, my partner, for example, it disrupts his sleep. And we know that it helps or disrupts because every patient we see gets an aura ring, which is a sleep tracker. So we actually get objective data if this is working or not. And what we find is it has to do with their genetics.
So there’s a very specific polymorphism called the FAAH. So FAAH, you may be familiar with, but it’s fatty acid amide hydrolase. It’s an enzyme that breaks down an anandamide. So an anandamide is the bliss compound and it’s related to CBD and has to do with the CB1 and CB2 receptor. So if someone, for example, this FAAH, if they have a certain allele, the AA-allele, they’re not going to get as many improvements in anxiety with CBD, but they are going to get better sleep with CBD. Whereas if someone has a CC-allele, then they don’t tend to have as good as effects with sleep. So if you don’t have your genetics, you’re not able to look at this, which honestly, you can look that snip up just with your 23andMe raw data. If you download your raw data, you can find out which of those that you have that we’re talking about.
Vadim 25:23
Really? That’s cool.
Matt 25:24
So you can look at it yourself and probably figure it out. We’ve talked a little bit about it on our podcasts as well. But depending on that exact enzyme and genetics for people is going to affect how they respond to CBD and THC a little bit as well.
Vadim 25:38
Okay, okay. What’s that called again? Just want to write it down for people. I’ve never done that 23andMe cause I’m kind of paranoid about them having my information. But everyone I talked to pretty much has given away their data.
Matt 25:52
We have a lot of patients worried about that. And so we just make up a fake name, if they want to do that, and fake email and things like that. So you could do that if you really want the information, but don’t want it out there. So yeah, it is called FAAH snip, which stands for fatty acid amide hydrolase.
Vadim 26:11
Matt 26:13
Correct, yeah. So your 23andMe raw data, just for your listeners’ tip. So if you download that, you should do a CTRL-F function, you can search for rs324420 as the snip names. You could see if your AA or CC or AC and then just google what that means for you.
Vadim 26:33
Okay. And they can use that to determine what again?
Matt 26:36
So what it is, that is an enzyme that degrades anandamide. So anandamide has a very high correlation with anxiety, depression. For example, there was a woman that had zero FAAH. She had a rare mutation, and she was unable to feel anxiety, fear or pain, and it caused a lot of problems not being able to feel pain because of burns or other injuries. But that would be an extreme example. Normal people have just very minor variations and it affects how they respond to CBD. And we go a little more in depth in our podcast. But honestly, if you google around, there’s some good information out there about it. I think people can educate themselves. Ideally, you’d find a physician or someone that knows about this and can help you, guide you.
Vadim 27:18
And can help you interpret it. Yeah. So there’s a woman, so her FAAH was what? Just non-existent or what?
Matt 27:25
Exactly. So none of the enzymes. So her levels of anandamide were through the roof. So on the one hand, it’s great. It’s called the bliss compound. She’s happy. No anxiety, no fear. But on the other hand, it has to do with pain perception as well. And pain is a bad thing, but it’s a worse thing if you can’t perceive pain at all. Just the injuries. It’s a protective mechanism for us to feel pain. If you put your hand on a hot plate, you don’t pull it away quickly. That’s an issue.
Vadim 27:49
So this woman felt no pain at all ever.
Matt 27:53
Correct. Yep. Which is, like I said, a pretty bad situation to be in long term.
Vadim 27:57
Oh, that is… I have to look that up. And this was a patient of yours?
Matt 28:02
No, it wasn’t. So that’s a case report. It just highlights the importance of these enzymes.
Vadim 28:08
Yeah. It’s extremely rare, right?
Matt 28:10
It is. No, I would not worry about having that. But just for example, the more rare allele I have, and I’m homozygous for the more rare allele. So I don’t — really, anxiety is not something I’ve ever had much of. And I’ve talked to my wife, who is a board certified psychiatrist, and deals a lot with anxiety, and she sees patients and I tell her like, I don’t even know what anxiety means. It’s interesting. I understand there’s a concept; whereas we have our other patients who have the opposite genetics from me. And they always tend to be the more anxious patients. And so they tend to respond a little better to CBD for anxiety and even at lower doses.
Vadim 28:45
Yeah. I was looking at some articles about that. Was that a recent thing that you saw on the news about a woman, the woman who feels no pain?
Matt 28:52
Yeah. I’ll find the case for you.
Vadim 28:55
Okay. I know people are gonna want to hear that. Yeah. It’s a gene mutation, right?
Matt 28:59
Correct. Yes.
Vadim 29:00
Wow. Well, yeah, I found some information here about it. I’m sure the listeners will love that. And so is that also some of the content they can find on your own podcast as well?
Matt 29:10
Yeah. We frequently will be interviewing PhD chemists and even the farmers and then our other physicians like Dr. Mike Stone, who I mentioned. I’ve had him on and we talk, we go through the literature on the questions that people want. We’ve asked people for questions and so now we’re going through them. Does it work for anxiety? Does it work for autism? Does it work for Alzheimer’s? Does it work for chronic pain? Those types of questions. And then we always, just because we’re nerds, we end up geeking out on some of this stuff like the FAAH. But in general, we try to give some good answers to people.
Vadim 29:39
And the FAAH, again, it can give somebody an indication of their anandamide levels. And with CBD, if they took the CBD, how would that change that? Oh, it would elevate the anandamide on my system for a certain period of time, correct, until the FAAH broke it down?
Matt 29:57
Yes. So the CBD acts on the same receptors that the anandamide does. And it doesn’t actually block them, it actually just changes their configuration somewhat so that anandamide is not taken up. But the enzyme on FAAH is what breaks that anandamide down. So again, if you have less FAAH, you probably have more anandamide in your system, and you’re probably not going to respond quite as much to CBD, for example, for anxiety. And I just want to be super clear. These studies are really preliminary. So what I’m telling you is just kind of trends. We don’t have great study for any of this, but just in our experience, it tends to play out some with the patients. And everyone is so different. Human physiology is so complicated. It doesn’t always work that way. But it’s good information to have and help guide your decisions and your therapeutics a little more in a little more precise of a way.
Vadim 30:47
Exactly. Yeah. So it’s all still very new and much research has to be done. Does THC work also on those receptors as the same ones as anandamide?
Matt 30:57
So it’s all related. So just for example, what they found is someone who has an AA-allele does metabolize THC and CBD more quickly. So in their studies on THC and CBD with these different alleles, yeah, it does have some effect. I don’t really understand all the biochemistry even as well as Dr. Bright, but we do know kind of the general effects of THC and CBD somewhat in these different polymorphisms. And again, very preliminary data. It’s just something we’re really excited about. Because anytime we can find some more information to give us a little more of a leg up when treating a patient, making them feel better, we get excited about it.
Vadim 31:38
Yeah. I think from what I remember, they do work in the same place as anandamide, I believe, from what I remember, but the way they interact with the receptors is different. That’s that’s the main thing too.
Matt 31:49
What I would say is, as any physician or anyone else who tells you they completely understand these pathways, walk away from them because they’re all just so…
Wild Health Offerings
Vadim 31:58
Yeah. I don’t think anyone has — I’ve never heard anyone say that. So yeah, I would also advise that. So what about people who are totally new to Wild Health CBD, what would you recommend? If they’re just checking out your site and what’s available and just don’t know where to start, what would you recommend they start out with?
Matt 32:15
Sure. Well, we don’t really have any of the novelty products or a big selection. We’re just focused on how it works.
Vadim 32:22
I notice that. Just tinctures, right?
Matt 32:25
Very focused. So we do have a couple that actually will be out any day now. We’ve already developed in the lab and it’s a specific one we think would be good for sleep and also one that has a sulforaphane broccoli sprout extract in it. Sulforaphane has some anti-aging, but then the main reason is because of our autistic patients. We have a lot of families whose sulforaphane is really good for symptomatology but so is CBD for a lot of these patients. And we’re not creating a product to treat autism. I want to be very clear about that. But we’re combining some molecules that we’ve been very impressed with the literature on which is CBD and sulforaphane. Just because ‘ve we think it would be very helpful based on our reading of the literature.
Vadim 33:05
Well, yeah, I’ve heard of sulforaphane and I never knew it was used for autism, though. It’s very cool. So it’s a very focused product. Right now I see on the site, you have available, just three different sizes of your full-spectrum tincture.
Matt 33:18
Exactly. So the sleep blend, the performance blend, to treat all these other things that we’ve got in development are coming out. Someone could put their email on the site and it’ll be notified as soon as those come out. But really, we’ve got the sleep blend in the lab. It’s ready to go. So it’ll probably be on the site, honestly, by the time this was released. We do frequently run out. This is a small batch. So if we don’t have what you want, you can put your email in and we’ll notify you because, again, we’re not trying to produce a massive volume. We’re just trying to produce the best product we can.
Wrap-up and Contact Information
Vadim 33:49
That’s great. That’s great. Well, thank you for being on the show here today. It was a pleasure to have you on. And definitely, everyone listening, check out Wild Health CBD. That’s And, Matt, I want to have you on again soon. You’re a wealth of information. I think what listeners can take from this, would you agree, is that if you can, especially if you’re using CBD for for treating serious conditions, but I’m thinking even if you just you’re using it regularly, you should do it with an open minded doctor, if you can, if that’s available to you. I know for a lot of people, it’s not. I’m sure. How can people get in touch with you if they want to go to your practice? That’s in Kentucky, the practice?
Matt 34:32
Well, we have offices actually in Kentucky and Oregon, and we’re opening up in California, New York, Portland.
Vadim 34:37
Oh, beautiful. You’re solving this problem, I guess?
Matt 34:342
80% of our patients are telepatients and they’re outside of the state we’re in. So actually,
Vadim 34:47
Can people contact you for telehealth consultations?
Matt 34:52
Exactly. is the website for the medical and wildhealthcbd is for the CBD. And I’d be happy — if your listeners have questions, I’d be happy to. We always want to be educating. We want to answer what the people want to know. So if they wanted to send you questions.
Vadim 35:06
I have an idea. Let’s have you on again soon. I’ll send out a thing for people to come in with questions. We can have you on again soon and we’ll just do a Q&A type of show.
Matt 35:15
Anytime I’ve got an opportunity to talk to people about this amazing plant, I’d be happy to.
Vadim 35:19
Okay. Yeah. We’d love to have you on again. That would be great. And I will share that That’s where people can get info about either consultations or actually making a visit as well, right?
Matt 35:32
Exactly. Yep, yep. You can find all the information there.
Vadim 35:34
All right, very good, Matt. Thank you again for being here and stay on after I stop recording here. We’ll banter a little more.
Vadim 35:45
This episode of the CBD School Podcast is brought to you by Wild Health CBD. To grab 10% of any Wild Health CBD products, make sure to use the coupon code cbdschool10 and that’s just for CBD School listeners of the podcast. So visit That’s And use the coupon code cbdschool10 for 10% of your whole order. If you’d like to also consult with our guest, Matt, about anything health related or specifically if you have questions about CBD, you can also visit the website for his health and human optimization practice and that is So it’s just like the other website, but it’s MD instead of CBD. So it’s and you can consult with Matt by visiting that website. All right, and that concludes our podcast for today. Please make sure to leave us a review on iTunes if you enjoyed the podcast. Also, visit for even more great content on CBD. And until next time, this is Vadim, CBD professor from, signing out. Thanks for listening. Bye for now.