Are CBD Gummies Here to Stay? [Yes They Are!]

There’s no denying that things in the CBD industry are constantly changing. 

It seems as if there’s a new CBD company that goes mainstream every week, with new products introduced on the daily.

If there’s one thing that’s stayed consistent in the industry, however, it’s CBD gummies.

These CBD-infused gummy candies have been a staple -for years. 

With the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill though, this could be set to change.

Before we get into the details about the possible disappearance of CBD gummies, let’s take a deeper look at this extremely popular CBD product.

What are CBD Gummies?

Holding CBD Gummies

CBD gummies are simply gummy candy infused with CBD

Much like the Haribo Gummy Bears, only with CBD added to them.

Gummy candies themselves have been around since 1864, where “Jelly Babies” (then called “Unclaimed Babies”) were created by Fryers of Lancashire in the UK. 

The famous gummy bear itself originated in Germany, where they were produced by Haribo.

Related: CBDMD Gummies Review

CBD gummies are everywhere. 

Search the product pages of almost any CBD company that exists, and you’ll find most of them will offer a gummy. 

They’re one of the most popular ways to take CBD…and one of the tastiest.

best cbd gummies

People LOVE CBD gummies. Why?

For one, there’s the taste. 

For another, they’re a really easy way to consume CBD.

CBD gummies are really popular because they’re a fun and easy way to take CBD. 

We personally love keeping a bottle in the car for those moments (or hours) we’re stuck in traffic and need to take the edge off.

CBD gummies come in an array of flavors, shapes, sizes, and strengths. Sour, sweet, or a little bit of both, these gummies infused with cannabidiol have taken the CBD world by storm.

CBD gummies taste great and are an awesome way to get your daily dose of CBD, but are they healthy?

Young Woman Eating CBD Gummies

Well, they are considered candy. Healthy? Some more than others, depending on the ingredients used to make them.

A lot of the gummies on the market are loaded with sugar, artificial colors and flavors, and many other ingredients that aren’t exactly considered healthy.

For those who can’t or don’t consume sugar for whatever reason, CBD gummies probably aren’t the best way to go. Gummies are candy, after all, CBD or no CBD.

If you’re interested in the “healthiest” CBD gummy, look for those that don’t contain artificial colors or other artificial ingredients.

A healthier gummy would be sweetened with something like organic cane juice rather than corn syrup and colored without the use of Blue #1, Red #40, Yellow #5, and the like.

According to a report by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), “The three most widely used dyes, Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6, are contaminated with known carcinogens … Another dye, Red 3, has been acknowledged for years by the Food and Drug Administration to be a carcinogen, yet is still in the food supply.”

Just something to keep in mind when consuming anything with added food coloring.

And seeing as CBD is consumed to improve health and overall wellness, added ingredients that are detrimental to health seems a bit of a contradiction.


CBD Gummies are the Most Popular CBD Edible There Is…But are They Here to Stay?

When it comes to CBD edibles, CBD gummies are, hands down, the most popular choice there is.

They’re widely available and taste amazing. 

They’re also super discreet, meaning you can take them anywhere without anyone knowing the difference.

Here’s the thing, though.

They might not be around forever.

Wait, what?

Because gummies are “edibles” they could be considered a food and not a supplement.

With the recent passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, the FDA is stepping up to take control of the CBD industry, which has been highly unregulated up until now.

Wasn’t the Farm Bill supposed to save CBD? 

Farmer And Cannabis Plants

Yes. But there are some stipulations.

The FDA has made it clear that CBD cannot be sold as food. There was recently a crackdown on CBD in several states across the nation.

In Maine, authorities recently demanded that all CBD foods, tinctures, and capsules be removed from store shelves. 

In New York, some restaurants have been forced to remove any CBD food products from their menus.

There are similar stories in North Carolina, where state regulators have begun to crackdown on CBD food products, with the state’s agricultural commissioner contending that packaged CBD foods could end up in the wrong hands.

The California State Department of Health announced in July that adding CBD to food is illegal…even if it does come from hemp that contains less than 0.3% THC.

And while CBD gummies aren’t being forced off shelves in states that allow the non-psychoactive cannabinoid to be sold, it could be only a matter of time.

We really don’t know what will happen.

Will the FDA demand that gummy bears become a thing of the past? 

Presently they are considered “edibles,” and CBD food products are now forbidden by the powers that be.

But there are countless supplements that come in the form of a gummy.

In a 2016 vitamins, minerals, and supplements report, for example, it was highlighted that supplement shoppers were looking towards gummies because they like consuming vitamins and minerals in fun and easy delivery methods.

According to the report, gummy supplements “provide an appreciated departure from consumers’ routine, allowing [the consumer] to have a more sensorial, enjoyable experience than with a tablet.”

Will CBD gummies be able to withstand the test of time? 

In the rapidly changing CBD and hemp industry, it’s something that remains yet to be seen.

We’d like to say gummies are here to stay. 

While we’re more partial to a CBD tincture, we do love the occasional CBD gummy, especially for the convenience they offer of taking our cannabidiol on the go.

We can only sit back, patiently wait, and watch what happens next.

We’ll be sure to keep you posted on any updates we find.

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