CBD Cigarettes Are Lit, Find Out Why [10 Top Brand Joints Reviewed]

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Take Me to The CBD Cigarette Product Reviews

Since the federal government legalized the production of hemp at the end of 2018 and decriminalized the use of Marijuana, the popularity of CBD cigarettes has been on the rise. 

As a result, smokers who have enjoyed smoking tobacco cigarettes started switching to non-toxic, non-addictive hemp cigarettes that are rich in CBD, or cannabidiol. These cigarettes also became the center of attention for anyone who is looking to relax, relieve stress or to forget about any kind of discomfort the user may have.

In fact, smoking hemp cigarettes works so well, there has been an increased demand of things like CBD cigarettes and CBD flower. The flower of hemp can be rolled into CBD cigarettes, or CBD joints (if you prefer that terminology). 

Continue reading to discover more information about what CBD cigarettes are, what it feels like to smoke hemp cigarettes, and our opinions for which products to buy – and which to ditch. As usual, you will be able to use the CBD school discount codes that can get you up to 30% off your favorite CBD-rich, hemp smokes.

Quit smoking tobacco, and start smoking the best hemp cigarettes.

Can You Smoke CBD?

The answer is a definite yes! Smoking hemp, made from hemp flower, is now legal in most U.S. states, although the rules and regulations may vary from state to state

Many regular smokers of hemp cigs describe the experience as being “highly pleasurable and relaxing” without the unwanted effects that are normally associated with marijuana. Smoking cannabis doesn’t have to get you high. While some people enjoy being high, others do not.

Discover: Cannaflower CBD

CBD cigarettes are quickly becoming quite popular, and they are becoming easier to find. Now days, you can even in locations like gas stations and convenience stores. We don’t recommend purchasing them through these locations, however, as you are limited to what the store has in stock which may not be a reputable CBD brand with high quality, premium hemp cigarettes.

Smoking real CBD flower buds gained its popularity after the 2018 Farm Act was passed which legalized the growing, processing, and sale of hemp. As a result, most states now allow the cultivation, purchasing, possession, and the ability to partake in smoking CBD flower, as long as the hemp flower has less than 0.3% THC content.

What are CBD Cigarettes?

CBD cigarettes, also known as CBD pre-rolls, hemp cigarettes, and CBD joints are made with 100% hemp flower or the trimmings of hemp buds. They often have a high content of CBD or CBG, and lack any tobacco or nicotine ingredient. Since there is no THC in CBD smokes, you won’t get high.

Smoking marijuana, on the other hand, will definitely get you high. 

CBD cigarettes provide the user with benefits of CBD, have no intoxicating effects and act faster than other CBD products such as CBD gummies or CBD topicals. They are also capable of producing long-lasting effects.

Some hemp cigarettes are also produced with a filter similar to the traditional tobacco cigarettes that smokers have grown accustomed to. 

Enjoying your read? Sign up to be a part of the CBD School community, and we’ll send you a free eBook called The Beginner’s Guide to CBD. It will get you caught up in all things CBD. Additionally, you’ll get updates on the best CBD products and discounts in the industry.

beginners guide to CBD

CBD Cigarette Selection Methodology

If you’re familiar with CBD cigarettes, you’re well aware that not all CBD cigarettes, or CBD products in general, are created equal. When choosing CBD cigarettes (or any CBD product), it’s imperative to choose a reputable CBD brand that is dedicated to providing the consumer with the best CBD cigarettes. 

When choosing the best CBD cigarettes, we always make sure to keep the following requirements in mind:

Reputable CBD Brands

We only choose transparent CBD brands with a solid reputation in the CBD industry that are dedicated to providing high quality CBD cigarettes. These companies are highly concerned with customer satisfaction and will never do anything to jeopardize their reputation. There may be other CBD cigarettes out there, but we can only speak for the purity of the ones in this review.

These CBD cigarette brands want to provide clarity and transparency around their CBD cigarettes to CBD consumers so they can prevent receiving a poor reputation in the CBD industry.

As we all know, once a brand gets pegged as not being open and transparent with their consumer base, it is difficult to gain that trust back. This is especially true within the CBD industry where competition is highly competitive.


The CBD cigarettes must be made from all-natural, non-GMO hemp grown in the US. When possible, we prefer to recommend natural products made without any artificial ingredients and grown organically. 

Non-GMO is defined as a product that is produced without genetic engineering and having its ingredients non-genetically modified.

NOTE: All U.S. states require hemp to be grown without toxic chemical pesticides. However, if hemp flower is not properly dried and cured, mold can develop that can be detrimental to health. Furthermore, hemp grown in soil containing heavy metals or irrigated with contaminated water can end up containing contaminants. These latter alongside mold and heavy metals are generally detected during lab testing in which case the product gets rejected and not sold.

Third-Party Lab Test Results

CBD cigarettes must contain third-party lab test results to ensure the actual cannabinoid levels in the product match what is claimed on the label. These tests are also necessary to refute the possible presence of heavy metals, molds, or pesticides.

Many people wonder, are CBD cigarettes safe? One of the best ways to determine if a product is safe, or not, it to look for these third party lab tests.

NOTE: All of the hemp cigarettes brands listed below use third-party testing to ensure potency and purity of their CBD cigarettes. 

Active and Inactive Ingredients in a CBD Cigarette

We look at all active and inactive ingredients to make sure that you are getting the highest quality CBD cigarettes that can be available on the market.     

NOTE: The CBD cigarette reviews in this article contain no additional active ingredients and contain less than 0.3 THC. 


Different people have different needs and desires when it comes to smokable hemp flower. We look for hemp CBD cigarettes that contain different potencies to match you with what you are looking for. We want to make sure everyone finds what they are looking for. 

Some brands offer hemp CBD cigarettes with a wide selection of potencies, while others may only have one or two potencies. We always try to look for and expose you to CBD brands that offer multiple smokable hemp flower options, but sometimes we may not be as lucky with the selection.

NOTE: Most of the CBD cigarette reviews in this article are made with pure hemp flower or bud trimmings from strains that range in cannabinoid content from 15% to 25% CBD and/or CBG. Most hemp cigarettes contain 1 gram or less of hemp flower. A 1 gram hemp cigarettes with 20% CBD contains about 200 milligrams of CBD.

Variety of Price

We like to include a variety of CBD cigarette products at various price points to meet as many people’s budgets as possible. When examining the price of each CBD cigarette, you need to keep in mind that they may vary according to strength, serving size, volume, and any added extra ingredients.  

We attempt to give you all the needed information to help you make a well-informed decision that meets your specific desires and needs. With all of this said let’s get on with our recommendations for the best CBD cigarettes on the market. 

Best CBD Cigarettes

Best Quality

Secret Nature

Papaya Nights










Found on each page easily

secret nature cbd pre roll customer review
green unicorn farms pre roll flight

25% off discount with code CBDSCHOOL

Best Large Variety Pack

Green Unicorn Farms

Pre-Roll Flight










green unicorn pre flight cbd pre roll customer review
cannaflower calm pre-roll

10% off discount with code CBDSCHOOL10

Highest Terpene Content


Calm Hemp Cigarettes


4 strains of CBD hemp cigarette packs; many hemp flower strains on site








cannaflower pre roll customer review
industrial hemp pre-rolls

15% off discount with code CBDSCHOOL15

Best Discounts Offered

Industrial Hemp Farms

Hemp Joints


Hemp cigarettes are mixed strains, the site has many CBD strains as flower








Best Selection

Cheef Botanicals

CBG Joints










Lab Report can be found on each product page

cheef botanicals pre roll customer review

Best CBD Cigarette Bundle

Half Day

Half Joints x Full Joints Bundle


1 strain for hemp cigarettes, 5 for CBD flower








half day cbd customer review
pure relief pre-rolled joints

15% off discount with code CBDSCHOOL

Beefiest Joints

Pure Relief

Relief Joints










pure relief cbd customer review

Best Small Variety Pack


Pre-Roll Flight










tree rolls cbd preroll flight customer review

How Much CBD Should I Smoke?

How Much CBD is Right For You?

Every individual metabolizes CBD differently. When using CBD cigarettes for medicinal purposes, it’s best, to begin with, a small amount and works up to effective dosage. If too much hemp is smoked at once, you may experience several side effects including drowsiness and lethargy. So, smoking too little or too much can be harmful.

The solution is to know the right dose for you that can offer its benefits while preventing possible side effects.

If smoking CBD cigarettes for non-medical purposes, it depends on the user to decide at what level they start experiencing the sought for desired effects. A quality cigarette will contain around 1 gram of hemp flower and 150 to 250 milligrams of CBD. Smoking an entire CBD cigarette could cause drowsiness or lethargy. Most smokers get two or three sessions using only one CBD joint: just enough amount of CBD to relax.

How Long Does CBD that’s Smoked Last?

When smoked, CBD begins its psychotropic effects few minutes after inhalation. It reaches its maximum effect about 15 to 30 minutes after inhalation and begins tapering off within two to three hours.

What Does Smoking CBD Feel Like?

Smoking CBD hemp has the same effects as vaping CBD oil. It produces a soothing effect as well as promotes relaxation and a sense of serenity. It can also help the reduction of discomfort resulting from aches and soreness in some users. 

CBD Legality

When CBD cigarettes are sourced from the hemp plant and meets certain legal requirements, it is considered legal under federal law. According to the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp flower and hemp-derived CBD products must contain no more than 0.3% THC on a dry weight basis.

The Farm Bill removed federal oversight of hemp and put regulations power at state levels. Hemp laws vary from state-to-state. Some prohibit the production and sale of hemp flower and hemp cigarettes while some others endorse it. However, hemp cigarettes can be easily purchased online which facilitates its accessibility. Hemp is not subject to the schedule of the U.S. controlled substance. 

CBD Safety and Side Effects

What Are CBD Side Effects: Read Now

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), naturally occurring CBD is considered safe and well-tolerated in humans and animals.  

However, it is essential to keep in mind that excessive smoking can cause or worsen lung conditions like asthma and chronic bronchitis. 

Potential side effects of smoking CBD cigarettes uncontrollably include possible drowsiness, lethargy, dry mouth, and changes in appetite. 

Final Thoughts

Cannabinoid-rich CBD cigarettes, from hemp, are a great alternative to smoking tobacco. Unlike nicotine, CBD is both non-toxic and non-addictive. Moreover, the tars in regular cigarettes contain carcinogens whereas the natural oils found in hemp flowers include cannabinoids such as CBD and CBG that can be highly beneficial terpenes. 

Although smoking tobacco cigarettes has been shown to cause serious lung conditions including lung cancer, until now, there is no evidence that smoking hemp cigarettes may have the same risk. But, it is important to note that excessive smoking can result in conditions such as chronic bronchitis. So, you need to think of moderation when choosing to smoke CBD cigarettes. In the event where you might notice breathing problems or coughing, smoking needs to be stopped. 

CBD cigarettes can be used to help traditional tobacco cigarettes smokers quit smoking tobacco cigarettes while also getting the benefits of CBD. Providing smokers with powerful anti-inflammatory effects that may relieve any discomfort are just some of the benefits of CBD.

 Studies have also accentuated its link with a more relaxed and serene state of mind. 

Quit smoking regular cigarettes, and grab yourself some CBD cigarette packs today. They are far, FAR safer than a tobacco cigarette, and won’t get you high like smoking marijuana well. Smoking wild hemp is the way to go.


Marijuana Decriminalization and Legalization (pp. 1-5, Rep. No. Https://drugpolicy.org/sites/default/files/marijuanalegalizationanddecriminalization_factsheet_feb2018_0.pdf). (2018). New York, New York: Drug Policy Alliance. 

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White, P. J., D. P., & Kershaw, D. S. (2017). CANNABIDIOL (CBD) Pre-Review Report (Thirty-ninth Meeting, Rep.). Expert Committee on Drug Dependence.

Morgan, C. J., Das, R. K., Joye, A., Curran, H. V., & Kamboj, S. K. (2013). Cannabidiol reduces cigarette consumption in tobacco smokers: preliminary findings. Addictive behaviors38(9), 2433–2436. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2013.03.011
Nagarkatti, P., Pandey, R., Rieder, S. A., Hegde, V. L., & Nagarkatti, M. (2009). Cannabinoids as novel anti-inflammatory drugs. Future medicinal chemistry1(7), 1333–1349. https://doi.org/10.4155/fmc.09.93
Shannon, S., Lewis, N., Lee, H., & Hughes, S. (2019). Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series. The Permanente journal23, 18–041. https://doi.org/10.7812/TPP/18-041
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