CBD News from CBD School

Publication Date: November 2, 2020 by CBD School Editorial Team 

Jump ahead if you’re interested in these articles:

  1. Still Not Happy with DEA Rules
  2. Is Japan welcoming CBD?
  3. NBA Legend Wants Cannabis to Rain For All

Did New York just set a national model for hemp cannabinoid laws?

New York has published new regulations that will govern processors and sellers of hemp products. The document focuses primarily on consumer protection. The regulation will be governed by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), which will be responsible for ensuring that hemp companies comply with strict standards such as full licensing, testing, packaging, and labeling.

All hemp producers must be certified to demonstrate they have complied with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards, licensed processors must demonstrate that the hemp was grown or extracted in accordance with the rules of the state of origin.

New York rules will allow licensed processors to sell and transport hemp extract in the process even if it is above 0.3% THC concentration, which it does base on the 2018 Farm Bill.

Pharmacies, supermarkets, and large retailers must obtain a license to be able to sell within the state. Licensed hemp retailers may only sell products that are manufactured, packaged, and labeled according to New York State rules and are required to keep a record of where they buy and the authorized distributor.

Hemp products offered for retail sale must not have more than 0.3% total THC, must reflect test results, and must not contain any added alcohol, tobacco, or nicotine.

The foods and drinks must not exceed 25 milligrams of total cannabinoids by product, however, the dietetic supplements will be able to contain up to 3,000 milligrams of total cannabinoids.

Vape cartridges will also be allowed as long as the system is closed with a pre-filled disposable cartridge.

The labels must have indications of dose and clear instructions of use, in addition to information like nutritional data, the concentration of any cannabinoid product, name of the processor of hemp, a code QR, the state from which the hemp proceeds, and information on secondary effects.

All hemp products for sale must have warnings about the product may contain THC, which could cause it to fail a marijuana drug test, the product has not been evaluated by the FDA to determine its safety among others.

Only inhalable products may be sold to persons over 21 years of age and neither retailers nor processors may advertise that the product can prevent, cure, or treat disease.

Still Not happy with dea rules

Several members of the U.S. Senate, House of Representatives and Hemp Growers are worried about the DEA’s new Interim Final Rule (IFR), which treats hemp as a controlled substance when it exceeds a concentration of more than 0.3% THC.  Democratic Senators Ron Wyden and Jeffrey Merkley wrote a letter on Oct. 22 to Timothy Shea, DEA Acting Administrator, explaining that the Farm Bill passed in 2018, it was known that intermediate steps in hemp processing can cause hemp extracts temporarily exceed a 0.3% THC concentration. 

Nine members of the House of Representatives, mainly Republicans, signed a separate letter also addressed to Shea, expressing concern about the DEA’s IFR, arguing that Delta-9 THC levels can temporarily increase during the process and that the IFR is ignoring the farm bill and would penalize hemp growers, said the DEA must have clear instructions on the farm bill because it generated new jobs and growers must have clear instructions regarding their products

The DEA confirmed the reception of the two letters but refused to issue opinions for the article.

Tim Gordon, scientific director of Functional Remedies, demanded to the DEA by its IFR, explained in an email that when cannabinoids are extracted these are concentrated, the hemp as raw material has 0.3% of THC, but when several kilos of hemp are concentrated inevitably exceed the 0.3% limit.

Because it is almost impossible to extract cannabinoids from hemp without concentrating the THC, the IFR generates problems for hemp producers, particularly when the extract is transported across state borders, according to Amin. Talati Wasserman LLP, a law firm that advises the hemp industry.

Annie Rouse, secretary of the board of directors of HIA and director of operations of OP Innovates, comments that during processing the THC can increase its concentrations between 1-3%, but the hemp at this stage is not able to be consumed, so that it is possible it is necessary to dilute it in a carrier oil and this takes it to a concentration lower than 0.3% of THC in the final product.

Joy Beckerman, director of Hemp Ace International, said that Congress in the Farm Bill removed not only hemp but also all its derivatives from the DEA’s Controlled Substances Act, therefore hemp processors and manufacturers should not be under DEA jurisdiction. Beckerman has been “involved in the hemp movement” for over 25 years.

Is Japan welcoming cbd?

CBD Coffee has become a frequented and popular place for many people in the city of Tokyo. Its owner, Kota Shimomura, says that more than a curiosity for CBD, in Japanese society there is a great need to relate to other people and free themselves from stress because the increase of teleworking and its culture is addicted to work has made people feel isolated and lonely.

Shimomura, who believes there is a great potential in the CBD business, mentions that the market could be bigger than the tobacco market, he analyzes the great demand for his store, and his plans to open a second one.

However, Shimomura has not been the only person to predict the high potential in the CBD market, companies such as Healthy Tokyo have been importing CBD since 2016 and now have 2 stores, one of which is located in Heneda airport, selling CBD oils, groceries and pet products.

Priyanka Yoshikawa, ex-Miss World Japan, created a CBD-inspired skincare line called Mukoomi, she hopes her company will be the leading CBD-based beauty and wellness brand in all of Asia, but the production of these products is done abroad, in countries where hemp cultivation and CBD extraction are legal.

In 1948 the law of cannabis of Japan was approved that prohibits the import and export of cannabis. It even prohibits its use for medicinal uses, but the defenders of the legalization of the cannabis-like Green Zone Japan and Japanese Clinical Association of Cannabinoids (JCAC), are leading a campaign to reconsider the use of the cannabis. 

Their crusade is to make the Japanese people remember their history with the plant, making emphasis in which there are indigenous religions in Japan, where the plant is a symbol of purity and freedom in addition that the fibers of the hemp are used to make ropes and curtains at both Shinto shrines and Buddist temples.

Green Zone recognizes that the legalization of medical cannabis is a human rights issue, some experts do not lose sight that reviving the production of hemp could generate income for the economy of Japan. Last July, Dr Harumi Kikuchi and the Hokkaido Industrial Hemp Association launched a project to request the reactivation of hemp cultivation in northern Japan, and its production would be used to generate food, medical products, and cosmetics.

The interest of the Japanese by the CBD is allowing that the people approach medical cannabis, besides, the growth of the hemp could be necessary for the agricultural reactivation of Japan, this could be the way to generate more employment in the rural area and to increase the incomes of a country that has the worry of which its population ages and diminishes the productive force.

Nba legend wants cannabis to rain for all

Shawn Kemp, 6-time NBA All-Star who played for the Seattle Supersonics in the 1990s, announced that he will open a marijuana dispensary in Seattle, becoming one of the few black-owned stores in this city.

Kemp spoke with CBC News about his store and highlighted the importance of the cannabis industry “opening up a little bit to everybody”, he also said that he partnered with Matt Schoenlein and Ramsey Hamide, two of the co-founders of Main Street

But Shawn Kemp is not the only celebrity entering the cannabis business in the USA, Jay Z and rapper Method Man were also others who joined the cannabis industry recently.

A survey conducted in 2017 reported that only 4.3% of cannabis company owners are black.

In Washington, only 2% of the certificates of title of the cannabis were given to people who identified themselves as Afro-American

Aaron Barfield, one of the founders of Black Excellence in Cannabis, states that “racism is at play during the licensing process”.He comments that due to the fact that Washington was one of the first states to legalize cannabis, the other states that legalized later followed the model of Washington, where Barfield points out many injustices and disconformities towards the black population.

Kemp said on his website that he will train women and people of color so that they can become successful businessmen, he says his company would be a voice for education.

His teammate, Gary Payton, will be present for the grand opening and he said he was very excited that he was there with him.


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