Looking for the best ways to take CBD for anxiety?
One of the most powerful effects that CBD has is its ability to relieve anxiety. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health illness in the USA. Every year, anxiety affects the lives of more than 40 million US adults, older than 18 years. This makes up 18.1% of the entire population.
Some of the most common anxiety symptoms are feeling restless, fatigued, having difficulty concentrating, being irritable, trouble sleeping, and muscle tension.
Anxiety Sucks
While this mental disorder is considered to be highly treatable, only 37% of those affected by it seek treatment1. Many people ignore their anxiety disorder and don’t take their mental health as seriously as they should.
There are many reasons why people tend to ignore their anxiety, one of them being that they either have a lack of trust for prescribed medications or they feel that anxiety is a natural part of life.
While anxiety is disregarded by many, those who suffer from it are six times more likely to get hospitalized because of it2 research suggests.
There are many forms of anxiety ranging from generalized anxiety disorder, to panic disorder and generalized social anxiety disorder. Anyone who has experienced any of its forms understands how crippling this mental disorder can be. Traditionally, treating anxiety is managed through prescription meds like Xanax and Klonopin.
But, while these pills can manage anxiety, they can be addictive and can lead to dependencies.
Some people end up abusing them, which can be highly detrimental. On another note, just like any other medication, these pills come with a wide array of negative side effects.
Now, the world is redirecting its attention to something more valuable that has less side effects: a natural alternative that can help relieve people’s anxiety.
Here’s where CBD steps in and can potential help with treating anxiety.
What Research Suggests About CBD and Anxiety
CBD is a non-psychoactive natural component of cannabis and hemp. It has been shown to provide serious relief from anxiety. It’s also considered to be safe with no potential for abuse. Cannabidiol is one of the hundreds of chemicals found in these plants. While it has been present for years, it has only gained its popularity after state and federal laws started allowing its production.
Many pieces of research have succeeded in showing the positive effect CBD has on reducing anxiety. In addition, uncountable testimonials praise such a link.
Some even claim that CBD was as much as ten times better than Xanax. While individual results may vary, there’s no doubt that CBD has proved itself to be effective in reducing and even possibly eliminating anxiety for many.
The CBD School explores everything you need to know about CBD including personal results for users of cannabidiol for anxiety.
While CBD is quite impressive, as many express, there are numerous ways to its mode of consumption. Understanding and picking the most convenient one is essential to maximize its power over your condition.
The way you consume your CBD can have a dramatic effect on how quickly you feel the results and how conveniently you may incorporate it into your lifestyle. Understanding the best ways to take CBD for anxiety disorders is essential, and here are the most common ways on the market.
Best Ways to Take CBD for Anxiety
Let’s go ahead and cover some of the best ways to use CBD products to combat anxiety.
Some find it valuable to use CBD through vaping, as they may believe it to be the only way to use CBD. While vaping itself is not recommended due to its possible link to many health risks, some outweigh its potential risks with the benefits it may have on their mental health through CBD inhalation.
For this group of people, Vaping CBD is their preferred option. Studies on CBD vaping are still lacking. Most researches focus on using CBD capsules, sprays, and oral solution despite the fact that vaping is the most preferred method of ingesting CBD across the country3.
Vaping CBD provides the fastest effects and that’s why it’s a top choice among many CBD and cannabis users. It is all about its aerosolized mode of delivery where the vaping pen delivers the CBD directly to the lungs and requires smaller doses than subcutaneous injections4. When you vape, you can have one inhalation at a time and stop once you have reached the desired effects. So, you will be in charge of the dose you are administering yourself through the puffs.
The possible trade-off with the vaping delivery method is that the CBD effects wear off faster than when using other methods of delivery.
It is true that varied methods each have their pros and cons; however, many CBD users mix and match the modes of CBD use depending on what’s convenient for them.
Smoking is not for everyone. Many are fully aware of its potential negative side effects. One way to use CBD for your anxiety and still have fast relief is with a tincture or capsules.
While some use tinctures and oils interchangeably, these two are different. CBD tinctures are in a liquid form and taken sublingually under the tongue. They are prepared by soaking the cannabis in alcohol. Capsules, on the other hand, are taken just like other dietary supplements or vitamins.
While it will take longer to feel the effects of tinctures or capsules (about 30-90 min), they are both an extremely popular method of consumption and are known to be exceptional for anxiety relief. These two methods are two of the best ways to use CBD for anxiety due to the length of time the CBD stays in your system.
Though tinctures and capsules take longer to start kicking in your system than vaping, their effects tend to last longer. Some tinctures even come in a spray form and many users prefer it over the traditional dropper style pipette.
CBD edibles and gummies are yet another great way to get your regular dose of cannabidiol, especially when you have a busy schedule. Picking this oral mode of administration is both discreet and somehow fun while offering extended relief from anxiety.
It is, however, important to note that CBD edibles and gummies have the slowest mode of delivery and action. It will take you quite some time to start feeling the effect of CBD, up to one to two hours.
So, if you are looking for the fastest relief method, you may want to look at other options than gummies and tinctures.
CBD Bath Bombs
If you want to enjoy CBD in a luxurious way while relaxing and getting some much-needed anxiety relief, look no further than trying CBD bath bombs.
These are similar to the Epsom salt bath that normally helps you relax and unwind while helping to soothe the nerves.
CBD bath bombs are very similar to regular bath bombs but made with cannabidiol as an ingredient. This will definitely take your soothing experience to another level entirely.
You also have the option to mix some Epsom salts with your CBD bath bomb, for an accentuated effect. Some bombs already have this mixture ready made for you.
Epsom salt baths are known for helping people relieve soreness, stress, and promote healthy skin5. Adding CBD to the mix and you just took your relaxation session to the max.
We compiled a list of some of our favorite CBD bath bombs here, and they include one of our all-time favorites by cbdMD.
They contain 100mg of CBD, Epsom salts, and aromatic essential oils. Such a combination makes it the perfect solution to great relaxation.
Taking CBD for Anxiety
If you are considering CBD for treating your anxiety, keep in mind that picking the right option means that you may need to experiment with a few products and dosages before you get the relief you seek and deserve.
A common CBD starting dose is 5 – 10 mg, taken once or twice per day. If this dose doesn’t seem to work, you can try to gradually increase over the days by 5 – 10 mg every few administrations.
You will find your personalized effective dose when you feel the results you’re looking for. That’s when you stop adding the dose.
Remember, when looking for the best ways to take CBD for anxiety, you have a wide choice: vaping is going to offer the fastest results while tinctures, capsules, and gummies will have the safest CBD administration.
Because of possible drug interactions and each having a different body and health status, it is recommended to consult with your doctor or health care practitioner before beginning any supplement program, CBD included.
1Any Anxiety Disorder. (n.d.). Retrieved December 21, 2020, from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/any-anxiety-disorder.shtml
2Facts & Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved December 21, 2020, from https://adaa.org/about-adaa/press-room/facts-statistics
3Millar SA, Stone NL, Bellman ZD, Yates AS, England TJ, O’Sullivan SE. A systematic review of cannabidiol dosing in clinical populations. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2019;85(9):1888-1900. doi:10.1111/bcp.14038
4Haddrell, A. E., Lewis, D., Church, T., Vehring, R., Murnane, D., & Reid, J. P. (2017). Pulmonary aerosol delivery and the importance of growth dynamics. Therapeutic delivery, 8(12), 1051–1061. https://doi.org/10.4155/tde-2017-0093
5Gröber, U., Werner, T., Vormann, J., & Kisters, K. (2017). Myth or Reality-Transdermal Magnesium?. Nutrients, 9(8), 813. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu9080813