Medically Reviewed by Dr. Zora DeGrandpre
Updated February 8, 2021
At CBD School we aim to provide you with more than just data on the science behind CBD. You need real stories about how CBD is helping people just like you with their problems.
Cannabis medicine is an anecdotal game – the people using cannabis may have a different perspective than the scientists doing the research—and the scientists doing the research are often working under legal restrictions. It’s also important to know the way science works—small, steady steps examining specific questions. While this method can result in reliable information—it is often not a speedy method of getting the information.
Read this post to find out how a beautiful and smart woman from the UK named Sarah used CBD for her back pain.
It all started with my job where I work as a care assistant in a care home.
As part of my job, I had to do some pretty hefty lifting where patients were concerned and that put a strain on my back.
I started to develop persistent back pain and I had to quit my job and stay at home.
The back pain affected my mobility, and I was started on a course of physiotherapy and when that didn’t help a friend gave me a Tramadol pill to try, just to see if the pill would help relieve some of the pain.
I took the Tramadol pill and within an hour the back pain had gone away.
I decided to continue on the Tramadol even though it meant I was suffering from fatigue, dizziness, and general fogginess.
Back Pain is Miserable
I wished I could find something that was more natural with fewer side effects.
Don’t get me wrong I was grateful for the relief it brought me, but I was still unwell in other ways due to the medication I was taking.
A friend of mine who suffers from anxiety started to do some research and read on a health forum that CBD was helpful in the treatment of anxiety and she bought some to try out for herself.
While she was researching the properties of CBD she also read about its pain-relieving properties and immediately thought about me.
The CBD oil she bought online worked to treat her anxiety so I thought it might work for me and my back pain.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is the second most common cannabinoid found in cannabis or marijuana. The other well-known cannabinoid is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC.
CBD acts differently from THC. It doesn’t get you high as it has no hallucinogenic qualities. It also reduces the hallucinogenic effects of THC when both compounds are taken together (THC in trace amounts, of course).
CBD has few significantly negative side effects. It’s generally considered safe to take which is why you can find it for sale in places like Walmart, 7 Eleven, and other retail stores.
Quality does matter and you need to be knowledgeable in how to identify good quality brands from the fly-by-night CBD companies who are simply putting a label on a wholesale product.
People don’t use CBD just for pain. Other known uses of CBD include1:

The good thing about CBD which comes from hemp is that it is legal in all 50 states in the USA and some parts of the EU. It’s also freely available to buy online as long as it contains ≤0.3% THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid2.
I was curious and started reading up on the research surrounding CBD and its pain-relieving properties.
A problem my friend and I had was that of finding a regular, reputable supplier of CBD oil and finding the correct dosages and other relevant information we needed on the internet.
Our doctors had never heard of CBD here in the UK but that is slowly changing. The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulation Agency (MRHA) declared CBD a real medicine with real benefits. which means doctors now have to be knowledgeable on the health benefits of CBD. When I embarked on this path, little was known about legal medical cannabis in the UK.
My research convinced me that it was safe to take and I had nothing to lose so I decided to give it a try.
It came in a syringe loaded with hemp-based oil or paste, a dark paste-like substance with a distinct smell and taste to it.
Another problem I had to face was the cost of the CBD as I had to pay for the medicine out of my own pocket and it came to quite a notable sum of money each month.
Results of Taking CBD Oil for Back Pain
On my first day of trying the oil and taking a dose of roughly 30-40 mg, I managed to go all day without taking any other pain medication.
That was absolutely superb! I usually had to take my medication more than once or twice throughout the day.
I continued to take a dose of CBD for back pain every morning without fail. Within two hours, my back pain was gone, and I had no side effects at all, just a feeling of total relaxation and well-being.
Another plus side to this medication is that it enhances your mood so that over time your mood improves. I personally found that my cognitive abilities were also boosted.
It comes as no surprise that CBD helps with back pain as it has a strong anti-inflammatory action and it helps to relax the muscles in the body3.
I found that all I needed to take was the CBD oil to feel fit and healthy and I have recently returned to my job feeling better than ever.
I can wholeheartedly recommend CBD products to anyone that has pain management problems.
Whether they are dealing with pain that is difficult to treat or maybe just want to come off pharmaceuticals or avoid surgery, they most definitely need to think about trying a course of CBD hemp oil to treat the pain before resorting to trying other remedies which can be harmful to the body.
CBD is a non-toxic substance that has few side effects. These side effects can include (for ingested CBD)4:
- Dry Mouth
- Diarrhea
- Decreased appetite
- Drowsiness
- Fatigue
- May cause a small drop in blood pressure
Most of these are infrequent and will go away with a decreased dosage, but you should always talk to your doctor and pharmacist before taking any medication, remedy or supplement.
This alone, as far as I’m concerned, means it should be placed in a distinctly different category of medicinal products to pharmaceutical chemical drugs that are available for pain management and have a lot of side effects.
That horrible feeling of being constantly drugged and spaced out has completely gone and I have now replaced my old medications with CBD hemp oil.
I hope that anyone reading this article will consider CBD as a treatment option in the future. It has worked for me and seems to me to be a superior drug to whatever other options are available on the market today.
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