CBD isolate recipes are all the rage right now. Cannabis has come a long way since the days of your college dorm room. Your options were limited to brownies and “special” tea back then.
Now you can find recipes for everything from appetizers to entrees infused with marijuana.
Have you considered trying CBD isolate recipes instead?
Many people don’t realize, but cannabidiol has become just as popular. And with good reason: it is safe, legal (even though the Federal Drug Administration hasn’t approved it yet), and provides all the health benefits of cannabis without getting you high. You might even be experiencing some of these benefits right now if you’re taking CBD supplements.
But if you like to cook with CBD rather than taking a capsule, what can you do?
CBD isolate recipes offer an easy solution. With this simple ingredient, you can infuse your favorite foods and enjoy them as often as you like without any psychoactive effects, which too much CBD causes.
Cooking with cannabidiol is easy, and once you get the hang of it, you’ll be finding excuses to add CBD to all your favorite recipes.
Why You Should Cook With CBD
Most hemp supplements brands infuse anything they can with cannabinoids. From cheeseburgers to toothpicks, the possibilities are endless. But are they worth it?
Even the less-gimmicky-infused products come with their pitfalls. For example, everyone in the industry has heard how “CBD is too expensive.”
Yet, instead of lowering prices or finding ways to make their products more affordable, most brands will find a way to charge you more. Typically, for minuscule amounts of cannabidiol, prices can be pretty significant: it costs you 30 dollars to buy ten toothpicks, each containing 10mg of CBD. That’s quite expensive!
Discover: CBDMD Gummies
For the millions of people that find relief in cannabidiol, these overpriced, under-infused products are hard to buy: they cannot afford them!
Furthermore, customers that use these cannabinoids medicinally find themselves buying over-priced products containing less than their ideal ingredients.
Also, since the upsurge of CBD, the market remains unregulated, and there isn’t any clear indication as to when the government will get involved. Likewise, nobody knows when insurance companies will begin covering the costs of medically used CBD products.
By cooking with CBD and making your own products, you can cut down the price and personally tailor each batch or recipe according to your needs.
CBD Isolate-What You Need to Know
“What is CBD isolate, exactly?” many people have asked. This crystallized powder allows you to infuse CBD into various products easily. CBD isolate is one of many forms of CBD products.
It stands in contrast to full-spectrum or broad spectrum which contains other beneficial cannabinoids found in the hemp plant.
The use of CBD isolate ranges from cosmetics to foods. Whether you consume it or apply it topically, CBD remains popular among people from all walks of life.
The “secret ingredient” that makes products like gummy bears become CBD gummy bears is pure CBD isolate powder.
Most brands use isolate to infuse their products. Pure CBD isolate powder is the most versatile cannabinoid product available on the market; and one of the most affordable. Instead of buying mass-produced supplements, why not tailor them to meet your needs?
Most notably, you can cook with CBD and make your own infused CBD edibles at an affordable price. In addition, cooking with isolate allows you to enhance each recipe with healthy boosts.
Create anything from superfood-packed CBD-infused fruit smoothies to BBQ sauces and salsas. All you’ll need is isolate powder and carrier oil of your choice, such as olive oil and coconut oil.
Now that you know how important it is to cook with CBD, your next step is to understand how to cook using the isolate product.
How to Cook with CBD Isolate
Cooking with CBD isolate is a lot easier than you may think and a lot of fun too.
Those bland, unappealing homemade meals that once triggered the urge to order in at night should no longer be a part of your life.
To turn any recipe into a cannabidiol masterpiece using CBD isolate powder, which is a CBD concentrate, you’ll need to know a few basic things.
The Double Boiling Method
The double boiling method is a simple heat control technique used in cooking.
This method is used for ingredients you wouldn’t want exposed to high heat – such as cannabidiol. Whenever we cook with CBD isolate, we first use the double boiling method to infuse the isolate with a carrier oil.
The double boiling method is crucial as it turns the pure CBD isolate powder into an ingredient that can be used in just about any recipe.
Do You Really Need A Double Boiler?
Do you need it to make CBD isolate oil? In short, no. And there are several reasons why it’s better not to use one. But let’s first look at what they are and what makes them so attractive for making cooking oil.
A Necessity Or A Luxury?
First of all, it’s in a saucepan with another pan that fits inside it. The top pan has a handle, and steam from the boiling water in the bottom pot rises into it via a gap between them. This keeps your cooking oil or butter away from direct contact with the heat source, which makes it safer to cook with.
You can buy a double boiler set, but you only really need the top pan with an attached handle. The bottom pan can be any pan that fits into the top one.
The allure of using one is that it allows you to cook and melt your ingredients at low heat without burning them. This means no smoke point will be reached, so you can keep cooking for a long time. Plus, it gives you the flexibility of cooking on the burner or in an oven.
But if you have a heavy-based pan with a thick bottom and sides, this is all unnecessary. Instead, you can do what is called ‘direct low heat,’ a fancy term for cooking your oil on the burner at a low temperature.
Gaining CBD Oil Benefits Without The Expense
Lets break down how you can still get the benefits people are looking for, without paying the (sometimes) expensive cost.
How to Use the Double Boiling Method
To infuse isolated cannabinoids with a carrier oil – use the double boiling method described below.
Remember that you’ll want to use an appropriate amount of carrier oil to match your dose.
As you experiment, you may use different doses, but we are going to keep things simple. For example, if you are cooking with 1 gram of CBD isolate powder, you’ll want to use 1-2 teaspoons of carrier oil.
Fill the larger pot about a quarter full with water. You need the water to sit about an inch below the smaller pot.
Place the smaller pot on top of the large pot floating above the water. You do not want the smaller pot to be directly affected by the boiling water. So, the water will remain outside of the small pot.
Bring water to a low boil at medium-low heat, add your carrier oil to the smaller pot, then add your isolate powder to the carrier oil.
Stir for 10-15 minutes. Be sure to blend your isolate with the carrier oil well. You shouldn’t see any of the isolate powder once you mix it with the oil.
Once cooled – pour your CBD-infused oil into whatever container is more suitable for you.
What is a Carrier Oil?
A carrier oil, also known as base oil, is a plant-derived oil used to “carry” essential oils and plant supplements. Carrier oils are frequently plant-based, made from seeds and nuts. Sweet almond, olive, cold-pressed coconut, grapeseed, jojoba, and sesame oil are the most popular.
Essential oils and plant supplements can be overly potent or problematic for us to absorb directly, so carrier oils help facilitate the process.
Do Carrier Oils Have Any Benefits?
Some carrier oils have their own benefits, and each works differently with the different plants they are mixed with.
For example, studies show that unrefined coconut MCT oil provides better absorption of CBD than other carrier oils. MCT oil is also one of the best carrier oils to use when cooking with CBD isolate because it is relatively tasteless.
CBD Temperature is Very Important to Control
When cooking with CBD, you’ll need to keep in mind the temperature.
High temperatures will cause you to burn off the cannabidiol that you’re trying to infuse into your food.
To avoid losing potency, you’ll need to keep an eye on the temperature or use cannabidiol in your food a bit differently.
For example, if you want to enjoy infused grilled chicken, you can’t just put CBD into the chicken. Instead, you’ll need to infuse the cannabidiol with a sauce to put on the chicken once it has finished cooking.
This is why pasta sauces, barbecue sauces, smoothies, and other low heat recipes are so popular. In addition, sauces and other cold-prep recipes ensure you aren’t losing CBD while you cook.
Can You Bake With CBD Isolate?
However, you can bake with CBD as well. Baking with CBD requires a bit more mindfulness. In addition, your cannabidiol will be in direct heat, so you’ll want to be sure to keep temperatures below 320 degrees.
Now that you’re familiar with the basics of cooking with CBD, we’ll introduce a couple of the best CBD recipes for beginners.
Best CBD Isolate Recipes for Learning to Cook
Cooking with CBD might take some time to get used to it. So here are two recipes that are perfect for starters.
Each recipe is easy to make and is the ideal starting point for anyone who is just getting into the cannabidiol cooking world.
The first recipe is the best CBD-infused guacamole recipe you’ll find.
CBD Infused Guacamole Recipe
Guacamole is fun, easy to make, and good for you too. Add in a little CBD concentrate, and what more could you possibly want from everyone’s favorite food.
The second recipe is one of the favorite CBD-infused smoothie recipes.
CBD Infused Smoothie Recipe
These days CBD infused smoothies are one of the most popular ways to supplement CBD.
CBD smoothies are a tasty way to take your cannabidiol while getting a healthy dose of other superfoods as well as fruits, veggies, and proteins.
Workout warriors, gym rats, and anyone trying to live a healthier life can benefit from adding CBD to their smoothies. Smoothies are a quick way to get a highly nutritious meal on the go. So why not add a little boost you can’t find at Jamba Juice?
What Do Studies Show?
Studies link cannabidiol to more than 50 different conditions, primarily due to its remarkable anti-inflammation effects. Inflammation is the root cause of most health issues we face.
From stress response to immunity, inflammation dramatically impacts the body. Studies show that CBD may be an effective natural way to reduce inflammation. While more research is needed, the results thus far are promising.
With no known downside, adding cannabidiol to your smoothies is a no-brainer. You might even be adding a supplement that is considered an antioxidant.
These two recipes should be a great introduction to cooking with CBD isolate. With each, you’ll learn how to use the double boiling method.
You’ll also learn how to properly blend your CBD-infused carrier oil with whatever you’re trying to make.
Guacamole and smoothies are both excellent starting points because CBD blends perfectly with both.
After reading this, you should have a good understanding of how to cook with cannabidiol.
Now, there’s one final piece of information you’ll need. Where do you buy CBD isolate?
Where to Buy CBD Isolate Online?
Do you use CBD oil? As it turns out, you can easily make your own hemp oil tinctures using CBD isolate.
Are you a fan of CBD gummies? Well, you can make those yourself as well. Most people don’t realize just how easy it is to make cannabidiol-infused treats from scratch.
This is in part why so many brands refuse to sell CBD isolate. However, not every brand is the same. There are a handful of brands that aren’t only willing, but happy to sell CBD isolate online.
For more information on our recommended brands, read our feature article: Everything You Need to Know About CBD isolate.
These are the brands that believe in putting the power in your hands. Why wouldn’t you choose to save the money and take control of what’s in your food?
After reading this post, are you ready to cook with cannabidiol and enjoy the taste and health benefits?
Perhaps you want to do more research on CBD isolate. Maybe you are ready to cook with cannabidiol.