The Power of the Endocannabinoid System and How CBD Makes It Magical

This post is sponsored by our friends at Kats Botanicals.

Throughout the ages, the hemp plant has been a major player in society.

From the second century food habits of the Scythians to the conditional requests of Herodotus, all the way to present day usage, the hemp plant has been a crucial element in the human era and it continues to shock and awe to this day.

This versatile plant has been used in everything from the fabric industry to the health and beauty industry.

The compounds in the hemp plant are what make it so special, and why so many people are enjoying the benefits of this wonderful botanical today.

Through the Farm Bill of 2018, the production of hemp became legalized and our current society became enthralled with the positive measures that this plant brings.

While there are many uses of hemp, one of the most popular benefits comes from one of the most commonly found compounds in this plant called CBD, or cannabidiol.

This special ingredient has recently been discovered by scientists to impact the human body on a cellular level by interacting with the endocannabinoid system.

If you are currently doing your research on CBD, you should know about the endocannabinoid system and how CBD makes it even more magical than it already is.

What Is The Endocannabinoid System?

To fully understand what CBD is and how it impacts your body, you first have to know about yourself.

In the deep reaches of your body is a very crucial function called the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

In order for your body to operate properly, systems like the nervous system, immune system, etc., are required to be at maximum potential for the human body to “feel good”.

When these systems function at a positive level you have a feeling of balance and homeostasis, or the feeling of “being healthy”.

In the 1990’s, scientists discovered another important system in the human body called the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The ECS is simply cannabis-like molecules which the body produces on its own. It also includes the receptors which interact with these molecules.

Scientists discovered the main job of the ECS was to maintain this healthy homeostasis within the body which essentially creates biological harmony from several changes in the environment.

Their research revealed that there were endocannabinoid receptors located throughout the entire region of the body including the brain, skin, immune cells, bones, fat tissue, liver, pancreas, muscle tissue, heart, blood vessels, kidney, and gut.

The endocannabinoid receptors have been known to be one of the most widespread systems in the body that affect pretty much everything.

Endocannabinoids are essentially cannabinoids that are produced by the body. 

Two key endocannabinoids that scientists have pinpointed so far are anandamide and 2-AG (arachidonoylglycerol).

When CBD interacts with the receptors in the human body, mainly CB1 (found in the central nervous system), and CB2 (found in the peripheral nervous system and immune cells) the magic begins to happen.

This intimate dance that ensues is typically one of the most important activations within the body. CBD has the lead in this dance and when it happens many positive things can occur within the body.

How CBD Affects The Endocannabinoid System

CBD is one of hundreds of cannabinoids which are found in the hemp plant.

Some scientists revealed there are 80 cannabinoids while others claim there are over 120 cannabinoids found in the hemp plant.

Either way, each of these cannabinoids play an important role in the human body, but none more important than cannabidiol. 

When the hemp plant is cultivated, harvested, and extracted, a full-spectrum product evolves out of this process.

This first round of distillation allows the user the ability to enjoy every aspect of the hemp plant.

This means that not only are you enjoying the benefits of CBD with full spectrum oils, but you are also getting the benefits of the other cannabinoids and terpenes that come with the plant as well. 

The most important part about this process is when the body interacts with CBD.

First, you have to understand that not everything will unlock the receptors of the endocannabinoid system.

CBD is one of those botanicals that has the key to unlocking the receptors in the body.

Since CBD comes from the hemp plant, it is called a phytocannabinoid, and these phytocannabinoids contain all of the chemical makeup that the endocannabinoids can work with, therefore causing the body’s cannabinoid receptors to welcome these compounds. 

When this magical dance ensues, the body’s endocannabinoid system and CBD (among the other ingredients) begin this intricate process which can prove beneficial to the user.

However, some people who are new to CBD may not “feel” the direct effects of CBD in the beginning.

Scientists have shown that it could take up to four weeks before the body’s endocannabinoid system fully “wakes up” to benefit from this process.

If your body has never experienced CBD, expect a slow process to completely observe a positive experience from these compounds.

Eventually, everyone who stays consistent with CBD has been known to enjoy a more improved quality of life.

CBD has been known to elevate cognitive function, improve stress and anxiety, aid in PTSD, and help with many more symptoms like these.

Questions You Might Have About CBD

When you are first discovering important botanicals like CBD, there are probably many questions you have about these plants.

Because the hemp plant is a close cousin to the marijuana plant, and in the same cannabis family, their might be some concerns about its effects on the body and different usage questions.

Here are some concerns we want to address:

Q1: Will CBD get me high? 

In short, no CBD will not get you high. It is not a psychoactive compound, therefore meaning it affects the brain differently than more popular compounds you have heard of like THC.

The World Health Organization defines any substance that affects mental process is considered psychoactive.

However, in their 2017 report they clarified that CBD does not create these psychoactive effects on the brain and therefore not psychoactive.

Q2: Can I Purchase CBD Anywhere?

This is a trick question because the answer is, yes you can. Whether or not you should is another concern.

Because of the popularity of CBD over the past couple of years, many local stores, gas stations, and farmers markets are offering CBD products to their customers.

However, because of the processes it takes to get products distilled like full spectrum CBD oil, there are many unwanted chemicals that can become part of the product.

It is very important that you only purchase lab tested CBD products at all times.

For instance, Kats Botanicals CBD products are lab tested for purity and asking vendors like this to show you these tests is your right. Never forget to check for purity and cannabinoid quality in every bottle.

Q3: Is There THC in CBD Oil?

Since the hemp plant comes from the cannabis family of plants, this means there are some qualities that hemp and marijuana share.

The hemp plant is known for its low levels of THC and high levels of CBD, while the marijuana plant is known for its high levels of THC and low levels of CBD.

Depending on the product you purchase, it is possible that THC could be found in some CBD products, however, verified products only contain the legal limit of THC which is 0.3%.

Products like full spectrum CBD oil contains every aspect of the hemp plant, which also means low levels of THC. 

Allow The Magic To Happen

All in all, people who have discovered CBD for themselves are quite happy with the results.

It is important to understand which CBD products will work best for you, whether it is the full spectrum CBD oil which contains all of the ingredients, or if it is the isolated CBD products only.

Make sure you take some time to understand what is correct for your body so you can allow the magic to ensue in your life.

CBD is truly one of the best botanicals for your overall health and wellness and it is clear when you introduce CBD to your body that it belongs there.

Stand back and watch the dance happen.

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