What is Broad Spectrum CBD?

The world of CBD has become such a robust and ever expanding market that it seems a new brand pops up what seems to be daily. In this overflowing market there are not only new CBD categories joining the fray ever so often, but if you pay attention you will notice the type of CBD used in these CBD products can be described in three distinct ways on the product labels. 

Many brands produce their products with what is called CBD isolate, while some companies also use Full Spectrum CBD oil.

Some CBD companies also offer what’s defined as “Broad Spectrum CBD oil.”

All these terms to describe CBD can become really confusing! 

CBD School is here to take away some of your confusion by helping you understand a bit more about Broad Spectrum CBD oil (along with some basic knowledge about Isolate and Full Spectrum) and how it could be of benefit to you.

broad spectrum cbd graphic

What is Broad Spectrum CBD?

Before we jump right into Broad Spectrum CBD extract, let’s give you a brief understanding of the other two types of CBD extracts.

CBD Isolate 

Take a Deeper Dive to Learn All About CBD Isolate

CBD isolate is 99.9% pure CBD that comes in a white, crystalline powder form. It is odorless and flavorless which is why some people decide to use it in their smoothies or on top of their food.


During the Isolate extraction process, everything contained in the hemp plant matter is removed, including any parts that contain trace amounts of THC, terpenes, waxes, oils, chlorophyll, and other cannabinoids

What you’re left with is pure CBD…and nothing else. 

Full Spectrum CBD

Discover Why Full Spectrum Products are the Way to Go

Full Spectrum CBD products, on the other hand, contain everything the raw hemp plant has to offer. 

It is full of all the terpenes, cannabinoids, flavonoids, and fatty acids found in hemp, all of which have therapeutic value of their own and help create what’s know as the entourage effect.


Because you will feel all of the effects of CBD by using the plant in its intended and natural form, you will also be gaining all the health benefits which include anxiety and pain relief.

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The beauty of Broad Spectrum hemp derived CBD products is that you are able to gain the positive effects of both . Broad Spectrum is pretty much Full Spectrum without any THC. 

It offers all the entourage effect benefits associated with Full Spectrum, without any chances of THC being ingested into the body.

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Broad-spectrum extracts are an excellent choice for individuals that can’t have any traces of THC in their system, like pilots or first responders  for legal purposes, for passing a drug test, or for people who just don’t want THC.

How is Broad Spectrum CBD Made?

Making Broad Spectrum CBD

There a couple of different processes that are used to make broad-spectrum CBD. 

One is by starting with an Isolate and then adding other beneficial cannabinoids (minus the THC), terpenes, and flavonoids.

Another way to make broad-spectrum CBD is through a unique process that removes any THC from a full-spectrum extract. 

By removing trace amounts of THC (like the permitted 0.3%), you’re left with a product that can be used confidently by anyone who cannot have traces of the psychoactive cannabinoid in their system.

Why Broad-Spectrum CBD is So Beneficial

There are many, many CBD companies that understand the importance of offering a Broad Spectrum product

Most importantly, Broad Spectrum extracts offer all the benefits of Full Spectrum CBD oils while offering you a THC free product. 

When CBD and the additional cannabinoids work together in the body they are able to interconnect with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system

During the time these receptors are activated by using CBD product, the CBD may alleviate many issues.

Some of the potential benefits that come from using CBD are:

Studies suggest that Broad Spectrum and Full Spectrum products are superior to CBD Isolate products because of its extended cannabinoid and terpene profile that creates that desirable entourage effect.

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And while CBD isolate offers the benefits associated with CBD itself, it doesn’t present the complete profile full-spectrum products contain.

Removing the THC in these broad-spectrum products also ensures that any legality issues surrounding THC don’t get in the way of enjoying the benefits CBD has to offer.

Many of the CBD brands we support at CBD School offer Broad Spectrum CBD products, making it easy to reap the benefits of Full Spectrum extracts without a trace of THC

This not only offers an opportunity for anyone to enjoy a broader range of wellness benefits but also removes any question of legality concerning THC. 

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