What is CBD (Cannabidiol)?

Cannabiodiol (Can-nab-bi-dial) or “CBD” is worth learning about.

While not everyone will find that CBD is a game-changer – CBD is one of the only natural alternatives that can truly make a considerable difference in your quality of life.

CBD is DEFINITELY worth learning about.

So you’ve heard of THC (the stuff that gets you high in marijuana).

But have you heard of it’s cousin, CBD?

THC and CBD are “cannabinoids” (Can-nab-bin-noids).

Cannabinoids are natural compounds found in cannabis plants.
(Cannabis is the genus of plants like marijuana and hemp)

Both marijuana and hemp plants contain cannabinoids in their flowers and leaves.

Among the hundreds of unique cannabinoids, the primary ones are THC and CBD.

THC is the primary cannabinoid found in marijuana plants.

CBD is the primary cannabinoid found in hemp plants. Hemp plants are low in THC.

CBD is different from THC because it doesn’t get you high – yet CBD has many potential benefits just like THC (and possibly more than THC). 

And this is the very reason that CBD has been showing up in the news so much lately.

While THC has its own fun (“recreational weed”) and healthful (“medical marijuana”) benefits, people are getting more and more interested in CBD because it has the potential to legally deliver many of the same benefits that THC can.

CBD’s benefits may include, but are not limited

  • Supports good health
  • Supports homeostasis
  • Sense of well-being (without euphoria or intoxication)
  • Aids in maintaining sleep cycles
  • And so much more!

Obviously, we have nothing against people who want to get high – the psychoactive effects of THC and marijuana are beneficial to a lot of people suffering from chronic pain and anxiety.

We also know there are even people that want the acute and lifestyle benefits of THC without being physically or cognitively impaired. 

Marijuana, perhaps unfairly (but often rightfully so), is considered a “couch potato” or “stoner” plant.

CBD is NOT this.

CBD’s effects will vary from dose-to-dose and from person-to-person but it is for those who want to lead a MORE ACTIVE, vibrant lifestyle.

For the camp of people who want the health benefits of cannabinoids, without the high, CBD may just be the answer.

Health Benefits of CBD

Ever since cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system (your body’s own cannabinoid producing factory) were discovered, researchers have been doing clinical trials on the potential health benefits of THC and CBD.

CBD is still not formally approved by the FDA so you won’t find any medical claims on this site. 

However studies and research on the endocannabinoid system show that CBD could be helpful to people struggling with conditions related to an imbalanced state (i.e. lacking homeostasis in the body).

Scientists are so excited about CBD that some of them even filed a patent on its antioxidant and neuroprotective properties.

There’s a ton of research on CBD out there. We encourage you to dive deep into the medical and scientific literature.

Ever since Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s “Weed” special aired on CNN, and probably even before that, people in the know have been experimenting and doing their own research with CBD.

There’s two main ways people currently get their CBD –

  • CBD from medical marijuana (has THC, only in legal states)
  • CBD from industrial hemp (no more than .3% THC, all 50 states)

Both can be effective, however only CBD from medical marijuana has a significant amount of THC (and will far closer resemble marijuana).

CBD from Medical Marijuana

Marijuana growers grow specific “high CBD” strains of the crop. ACDC and Cannatonic are among some of the most popular high CBD strains.

High CBD strains and the extracts made from them usually contain equal parts (or more) CBD to THC. 

Access to these products is limited to people who live in states or countries where marijuana is fully legalized (recreational marijuana) or regulated under a prescription (medical marijuana).

CBD from Industrial Hemp

The other way to get CBD are from products made from “industrial hemp”. These products are often referred to as CBD hemp oil.

Hemp products are far more accessible to more people. Hemp laws are more inclusive than the current medical marijuana laws.

Industrial hemp is a cannabis plant which contains no more than 0.3% THC. 

Industrial hemp plants are not grown for THC, they are grown for their CBD.

Industrial hemp is used to make CBD extracts, tinctures, capsules, balms, and food items which are legal almost anywhere in the United States without a prescription.

Stay tuned for more articles, news, and information on CBD from CBD School, your resource for everything you need to know about CBD.

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