Can You Build a Tolerance to CBD?

When beginning your CBD journey, many experts recommend starting slow. This means that you should start with lower doses of CBD, before working your way to stronger options. However, you might wonder if this means that you can build a tolerance to CBD, over time.

At CBD Village, we understand that you might have questions. In fact, we’ve all been there. After all, you can build up a tolerance to most supplements. Therefore, why should CBD be any different?

Today, we’re answering any questions you may have about CBD and tolerance.

What Does Tolerance Mean?

In this aspect, tolerance means building resistance to a substance. Therefore, you might have to take an increased dose to feel the same effects. Over time, in many cases, the same amount simply won’t bring about the same effects.

Tolerance is often closely associated with medicine or supplements. However, you can also build a tolerance to other substances, like caffeine and spicy food. By working with an allergist, people with allergies could potentially even build a tolerance to their allergies.

We build a tolerance to foreign substances because of our bodies. This is because our bodies constantly want us in a state of homeostasis. Homeostasis means that our bodies have successfully neutralised a foreign substance, keeping things running smoothly.

Therefore, we build up a tolerance to different substances because our bodies absorb these substances and effectively neutralise them. Over time, our bodies get used to these substances, and can neutralise them faster. This means that to get the same effects, we have to consume higher doses of a substance, until our body neutralises that, too.

So, Can I Develop a Tolerance to Cannabinoids?

Yes, you can. As with every other substance, your body can develop a tolerance to certain cannabinoids. These cannabinoids include THC.

Therefore, if you regularly partake in THC, your body could eventually build up a tolerance to it. This could result in you having to consume larger doses of THC, as time goes by. Eventually, this could also render the THC ineffective.

But if you can develop a tolerance to THC, does this mean the same for CBD? Well, we’ll tell you.

What About CBD Tolerance?

Research indicates that you can’t develop a tolerance to CBD, as it doesn’t react with your CB1 receptors in the same way as THC. This means that when you find the perfect CBD dose, you can likely stick with it for the long haul. However, your CBD dose might change depending on a number of physical characteristics.

For example, if you lose a large amount of weight, you might need to lower your dose. As you get older, you can also slowly begin to lower your dose. In fact, researchers theorise that long-term CBD use could result in reverse tolerance, as CBD builds up in your system.

This is because CBD can increase endocannabinoid levels. Therefore, long-term CBD use could permanently result in higher endocannabinoid levels. This means that as time goes by, you could need lower doses of CBD.

However, it’s important to remember that the idea of reverse CBD tolerance is simply a theory. While more studies could back up these claims, scientists are still hard at work, scrutinising CBD and our endocannabinoid system. Based on their research, we can infer that you cannot, in fact, build a tolerance to CBD.

Therefore, fret not! You can continue using your normal dose of CBD, without fear of CBD tolerance.

So, What Makes THC Different?

Earlier, we mentioned that frequent THC users can build up a tolerance to THC. If THC and CBD are both cannabinoids, what makes THC different? Well, again, it’s all down to your endocannabinoid system (ECS) and CB1 receptors.

THC often binds to the CB1 receptors in your brain, which then results in psychoactive effects. While low doses of THC might work at first, regular use could result in fewer cannabinoid receptors. This happens when your body attempts to regulate frequent doses of THC, or large doses all at once.

With fewer cannabinoid receptors, you’ll need larger doses of THC to get the full effects. However, this could result in hallucinations, insomnia, and paranoia. Furthermore, in the UK and Ireland, THC is deemed a controlled substance. Therefore, we’d recommend sticking to CBD, as even full-spectrum CBD only contains trace amounts of THC.

But Then, Why Doesn’t My CBD Product Seem to Work?

Earlier, we mentioned that CBD tolerance is highly unlikely. In fact, most CBD products have zero-tolerance builds, as they contain large amounts of CBD, and only trace amounts of THC. However, sometimes your CBD product might not work as well as you want it to. This could be for a number of different reasons.

First, your CBD product might be out-of-date. Maybe you bought some CBD tincture in bulk, but you’ve used it sparingly. While there might not be any significant signs of decay, potency can decrease with time.

To avoid this, we’d recommend storing your tincture in a cool, dry place to prevent cross-contamination. You should also use up your tincture after opening it — for best results, check the use-by date on the box or bottle. Furthermore, store unopened bottles at a stable temperature, as extreme heat or cold can cause potency to decrease.

Additionally, your CBD might not work due to manufacturing faults. The CBD industry is a fairly new one, and many governments have yet to implement proper guidelines surrounding CBD products. This leaves many CBD brands to self-regulate their products — and the learning curve can be steep.

For the best possible results, we’d recommend purchasing your CBD from a reputable supplier. Look out for manufacturers who utilise a third-party lab testing facility — like Canndid, a holistic CBD company. Before making a purchase, read through their third-party test results, as this will help ensure that you’re purchasing a solid product, with accurate amounts of CBD.

There Could Also Be CBD Build-Up

In addition to these reasons, your CBD product of choice might not be as effective due to build-up in your system. This shouldn’t be confused with CBD tolerance; instead of interacting with your CB1 receptors, CBD has built up in your system. Therefore, this creates a backlog, of sorts, which means that you could experience a delay in its effects.

This can happen when you use the same product over an extended period. It can also happen if you consume too much CBD, or a higher dose than required. Thankfully, there are quick, effective remedies to this.

To remedy this, we’d recommend holding off on the CBD. Consider taking a short break from CBD products. For most people, a 48-hour break should be enough to reset your system, clearing the back-log of CBD in it.

However, if you don’t want to temporarily halt CBD consumption, there’s an alternative. In this case, simply switch to a different form, containing a lower dose of CBD. For example, if you regularly vape CBD, consider switching to CBD edibles for a few days. Conversely, if you use edibles, consider switching to another form — like sublingual tinctures, or an oral spray.

With both these methods, it’s best to wait up to five days before switching back to your preferred CBD product. However, given that you’ve practically hacked your system and reset it, remember that you’re starting from zero. Therefore, it’s best to restart with lower amounts of CBD, before working your way up to your regular dose.

CBD and Tolerance: Key Takeaways

So, do you build a tolerance to CBD? The short answer is no. This means that you can use the same CBD dose time and time again — unless you experience extreme physical changes.

For example, a dip in your metabolic rate, severe weight loss or gain, and ageing can mean that you should re-evaluate your CBD consumption. Therefore, it’s important to take stock of your CBD consumption every so often. After all, you could be taking too much, or too little CBD.

Additionally, remember that CBD can build up in your system. However, this doesn’t mean that you’ve built a tolerance to it. It can also be easily resolved; here, a short break from CBD should do the trick! Alternatively, switch to another form of CBD for a few days, with a lower dose.

Doing this should help clear the build-up, so you can continue using your product of choice. If that doesn’t work, however, you might be using a lacklustre product. No matter your CBD product preference, it’s important to buy CBD from a reputable manufacturer and to check the Certificates of Analysis before making a purchase.

At CBD Village, we source our products from some of the best manufacturers on the market. These products come rigorously tested, to ensure premium quality in every batch. If you’re on the lookout for a new CBD product, why not browse our product range today?

The post Can You Build a Tolerance to CBD? first appeared on CBD Village UK.

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