CBD – Where’s The Evidence?

One of the most controversial and widely debated topics in medicine is the use of a substance derived from cannabis, CBD the abbreviation for Cannabidiol for medical conditions. Many states in the United States had regularized the usage of CBD oil in the last few years, and it was one of the top selling items in many pharmacies across the country.

Many customers were purchasing CBD from pharmacies for treating a wide range of problems like insomnia, pain, stomach ache, digestion related problems, arthritis. However, it now appears that many states are again restricting the use of CBD, with government officials announcing that products containing THC would be seized.

Myth of Lack of Medical Evidence about CBD

The government agencies are announcing and enforcing their ban on CBD and other tincture products containing THC, claiming that there is no medical evidence to prove that CBD is effective in treating medical problems. In reality, many people who are suffering from chronic illnesses claim that CBD is far more effective in treating their medical condition, than any other product.
One of the better examples of patients who get relief using CBD is a woman Jennifer Welp, who was permanently disabled in a car accident a few decades ago. She found that CBD was far more effective in controlling her pain compared to other narcotics.

CBD oil and cannabis flower

Reclassification of CBD as Most Effective Medicine

One of the most widely used applications of CBD for medical purposes, is for treatment of epilepsy. In many patients, especially those who are young children epilepsy can be controlled using other medicine. However, as the patient grows older, the epilepsy may become treatment resistant, and CBD will be the most effective way of treating the condition.
Recognizing this fact, law-makers have already allowed epilepsy patients who cannot be treated using other methods, to legally use CBD for their treatment. Similarly, patients suffering from other chronic illnesses can also apply to legally consume CBD.

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the major neurodegenerative diseases causing the death of a large number of patients in the United States and elsewhere Australian researchers Carl Group, Tim Karl, conducted research on CBD for Alzheimer treatment, because it prevented inflammation, acted as an antioxidant, and had neuroprotective properties.
The active ingredient in CBD helps in reducing the impairment of the cognitive functions of the patient caused by the disease, which results in dementia. It also helps in the growth and development of the neurons in the body which form the cognitive system, reducing the adverse effects of Alzheimer’s.

Insight about CBD Research Program

To gather evidence of the effectiveness of CBD for treating medical conditions, extensive research is being carried out in a number of states. Only patients with a number of chronic health conditions which cannot be treated otherwise are allowed to participate in the CBD research program.
These patients have to be certified by healthcare practitioners before they can enroll for the research on CBD, and over 10,000 patients are now enrolled in the state of Minnesota. Research is also being carried out on the use of CBD for treatment of anxiety, depression, pain, how it reacts with receptors and the neurons in the human body to collect medically valid evidence.

The post CBD – Where’s The Evidence? first appeared on CBD Village UK.

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