Spannabis Kicks Off Today In Barcelona

The Biggest Cannabis Festival Starts Today!

Spannabis is the biggest cannabis festival in the world, boasting over 30,000 attendees every year. People flock from over 30 countries across the world. The event itself is seen as the most important event in the European cannabis industry.

From a CBD Village perspective it is interesting to note that the event conference agenda is leading off with a session on CBD. That forum will include conversation on the history of CBD, mechanisms of action, pharmacological effects and breeding.

High Times Acquires Spannabis

This year it is being brought to you by cannabis icons the High Times, who bought the rights to the festival for seven million Euro in January of this year.

And it starts today!


What Can You Expect To See At Spannabis?

One thing you can expect to see at Spannabis is cannabis. Wild, right? Growers come to Spannabis in droves to show off their wares. You can see the latest developments in growing innovations, genetics, and carefully bred strains. This isnt a million miles away from the farm fairs of the 1800, where local landowners would show off their gourds and cabbages.

However if the botanics alone arent enough for you, Spannabis also hosts the latest and greatest technological innovations in the vape industry. This means not only is Spannabis a produce fare, but it also a consumer tech show! Vaporizers are rapidly becoming one of the most common and popular ways to consume cannabis, allowing users to enjoy all of the benefits of their herb with none of the harshness of the smoke from other methods.

One thing you wont see at the convention is anyone smoking at the conventions. Due to things like laws, you arent allowed to smoke cannabis on the convention grounds. How stringently this rule is enforced is up to debate, however.

Check out last years event in the video below:

There More Than Consumer Products On Show

This year Spannabis is unique in that it is also hosting the World Cannabis Conference, which will focus on the medical applications and advancements of cannabis. On top of this, legal and political developments will be discussed too. If you see cannabis as something more than a recreational substance, and if you see real substantive change in it, then this conference is a must-see for you.

Are Tickets Still Available?

Tickets are still available, so if the urge to go strikes, then you still have a chance. All you need to do is get yourself to Barcelona! The event is taking place from today March 15th, right though to the 17th. It is being held at the Fira de Cornellà in Barcelona, a huge event centre well known for its iconic pyramid entrance.

The conference is the perfect place to go and see what direction the cannabis industry is heading, what trends are in for this year, and you can see what effect the legalisation of cannabis across the western sphere is having on the industry.

The post Spannabis Kicks Off Today In Barcelona first appeared on CBD Village UK.

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