The Raspberryhigh, A DIY Vaporizer Project

After doing some browsing around the web, I ran across a cool new vaporizer project dubbed Raspberryhigh. The Raspberryhigh project aims to develop a Raspberry Pi powered vaporizer with online functionality, allowing for stat tracking and other cool features. Working on the project is a group of hobbyists whose mission statement claims

Raspberryhigh Prototype
Raspberryhigh Prototype

We believe that vaporization technology is stagnant and even regressive in these times. Our dream is to actualize a real-steel solution to a wide set of challenges involved in precision herbal vaporization, while bringing enthusiasts closer together with online integration, stat tracking, and an achievement system to truly take your session to the next level.

According to the project  wiki  (which is slightly out of date but should be updated soon), fellow DIY enthusiasts can build a Raspberryhigh prototype for about $200 in parts and material. Before trying to build your own, I recommend that you have some experience with hobbyist electronics, since the build procedure can get technical at times. The project also has a page that contains the programming code (C++) needed to operate some of the vaporizer’s features. Since the Raspberryhigh is still in its infancy, don’t expect any of the online integration to be ready for a little while.

I’m going to be keeping my eye on this project, and am excited to see how it will progress (and will be posting updates here on CBD Village!). According to some of the folks involved in the project, an alpha model is currently undergoing some test runs with promising results.  We currently live an exciting era of vaporizer technology, and I think that the Raspberryhigh project has the potential to introduce some real game-changing features by adding in an online component. It would be really neat to be able to join a private “network” with some of my friends so that we could compare things like vape session time, average temperature, etc.

The post The Raspberryhigh, A DIY Vaporizer Project first appeared on CBD Village UK.

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