With so many new users of CBD in the world today, a large number of new CBD products have been launched over the past few years. With interest in CBD exploding, many of these new brands, as well as long-standing established brands like CBDPure, have to find new ways to stand out in the crowd to their potential customers. One of the ways some CBD brands (including us!) do this is by offering an Affiliate Program for their CBD line.

For many people using any type of health supplement, the reason they choose one brand over another among comparable products is the advice of a trusted referrer. For a lot of us, the best referral is friends or family. If you are looking at trying out CBD but don’t know where to start, a brother or close friend that has had success with a particular CBD brand is a logical influencer for you to listen to in deciding on what brand you are going to buy. The input of strangers is less-trusted, but many people still refer to online reviews and testimonials in researching their purchase decision. In the CBD world, this is a bit harder, since the primary-ecommerce platform, Amazon, does not sell CBD products. This means a major source of vetted third-party reviews is missing from the CBD discussion. For CBD shoppers looking to get a referral from a trusted source online, affiliate programs can fill that gap.
A CBD affiliate program is a referral system, where people are rewarded for referring new customers to a particular CBD product. In its simplest form, if your brother (for example) uses a particular CBD product, and you ask him for advice, he refers you to the product he uses by sending you a link to purchase that CBD product online. In that link is a small bit of computer code that keeps track of who referred you. When you complete a purchase, a small commission (or some other form of reward, like points, discounts, or free product) is paid out to the person who referred you. This is typically a win-win situation: The new customer gets trusted advice on a CBD product at no additional cost, the person who provides the advice and refers them to a suitable CBD product gets a small reward, and the CBD company gets additional word-of-mouth advertising without incurring additional marketing or advertising costs up-front. For these reasons, many CBD companies start adding affiliate marketing as one of their sales channels, and CBDPure is no exception. In fact, we were actually one of the first.

The biggest concern of CBD affiliate programs (and really, any affiliate referral channel) is; are people referring a particular CBD product because of its quality, or simply because they receive a commission for doing so? This is a complicated question, as some “referrals”, especially celebrity ones, are clearly paid ones where the person referring them has no legitimate connection and doesn’t even use the CBD product. In those cases they are just a “hired-gun”. For other non-celebrity endorsements, the fact that they recommend a certain CBD product over others and are paid by that brand may make their referral less trusted or neutral. This is always a concern, and you should be wary of “too good to be true” glowing recommendations from strangers on the internet, who may be driven more by commission amount then product quality. As with anything else, the decision to purchase a particular or popular CBD product on the advice of strangers should always be balanced by asking yourself what their motivation is, and if that motivation is beneficial to your health. For us, we vet every one of our affiliates prior to approving them individually, and only work with approved affiliates. The vast majority of our affiliates are individuals who have discovered CBDPure in the past, loved it, and are fans of the brand. Many wanted to be compensated for doing what they were already doing, referring our CBD brand to their friends and family. To us, we think that is the right kind of referral and we look forward to any of our new customers signing up for our CBD affiliate program.
The post CBD Affiliate Programs first appeared on CBDPure Blog.