Blendtec Giveaway

Smoothie next to a Blendtec.

If you’re looking for the place where you can win the most awesome blender of all time, you’ve found it.

It’s no secret that if you love to blend, you need to get a Blendtec blender. I became a Blendtec lover somewhere between batch #1 and batch #40 of making Creamy Cauliflower Sauce for my ecookbook. I mean, honestly. I wrote a LOT of recipes that required me to make a sauce in a blender, so there was a lot of bonding time for me and my Blendtec baby. I couldn’t have been happier with how creamy my sauce was every single time. Creeeeeamy!

Fast forward to life after Creamy Cauliflower Sauce, and here I am, making smoothies, sauces, soups, drinks, and even batters, standing in front of the gorgeous touch screen (for real) and smiling like a fool. I love this thing.

Check out the blender that you will get if you win!


It’s the same one I have, plus you’ll get the Twister Jar with it, which is perfect for making things like almond butter and hummus. Looks like you’re about to become a person who makes their own almond butter and hummus. Score.

Blendec accessories.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I secretly hope that you all win.

Enjoy your weekend, friends! XO

The post Blendtec Giveaway appeared first on Pinch of Yum.

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