Seriously pinch me.
Our first ever Tasty Food Photography workshop has come and gone in about three little winks of an eye.
On Friday night, as I was “getting ready for bed” aka nervously running through all possible scenarios and details and mishaps and re-listing all the last minute additions to the weekend and doing everything EXCEPT sleeping, I had this thought: Sunday is going to come, and I’m going to find myself having a burger and fries with Bjork, talking about how crazy-fun the weekend was. Because it will be DONE. On Sunday, it’s just going to be done. Time is so slippery like that.
And that’s exactly how it happened, except the burger was a reuben and the fries were a piping hot dish of spinach and artichoke dip. It’s just… these are the important details, uknow?
I have a billion and one pictures from the weekend to share so you can get a small tiny feeling like you were there in that mouse-on-the-wall-of-the-internet way, and along with that, it might be worth mentioning a few highlights to fully paint the picture for you.
We had:
- a fantastic group of attendees who were all members of our Pinch of Yum VIP team on Facebook
- lots of Keynote slides with picture examples (former teacher and lover of slides in the howwwwse)
- lots of demo and practice shooting
- plenty of Bai5 to keep the hydration UP UP UP
- a style-your-own Chipotle lunch AND a style-your-own pancake bar
- adorable flowers and name tags and succulents on the tables which I had absolutely nothing to do with – thank you Amanda!
- vanilla and raspberry pistachio Copper Hen cupcakes which are the most beautiful things you’ll ever see
- breakfasty croissant sandwiches from French Meadow Cafe – my all-time favorite brunch place in Minneapolis and St. Paul
- an impromptu demo of artificial lights outside of the studio in the dark hallway
- some really awesome take-home fun for attendees including K’ul chocolate a major Erickson Wood Works discount for photography backgrounds

There were, obviously, some – uh, shall we call them MOMENTS?
Like when we blew a fuse, leaving us without power in half the studio on a Sunday when no one else was in the building to help us figure out how to stay alive in the 90 degree humidity.
And/or when we arrived to the studio on the first morning of the workshop to find that one of us had accidentally left the fridge open ALL NIGHT, meaning all our prepared breakfast items were not servable, requiring an extremely speedy trip to the grocery store.
I’m sweating just thinking about it.
But then again, for what it could have been, it all went so smoothly – we didn’t all die of heat stroke, we managed to rig up some back-up power to keep everything afloat, and I didn’t pass out while presenting (I had some serious concerns as the temps started creeping up there and I was too nervous to eat a dern thing – come ON self). I have A TEAM of incredible people to thank for the success of this weekend shindig. Note to self for everything in life EVER: don’t go it alone!
With that, here are some pictures of the weekend because I honestly still haven’t even made it to the grocery store for regular people food… plus this might be a little more fun than a recipe considering everyone’s all about the Back To School and everything right now. My teacher heart loves it.

If you have any interest in staying in the loop with our next workshop dates (yes! this is a real thing! NEXT WORKSHOP DATES ), be sure to sign up with your email address so we can notify you right when registration opens.
This workshop sold out in just over 24 hours, so I would love to get you on the list so you can jump on the tickets right when the registration goes live.
Tasty Food Photography Workshop Notification List
Click here to get a notification when signups for the next round of workshops go live.

If you have any interest in getting more info about our next workshop dates, be sure to sign up with your email address so we can notify you right when registration opens.

Hope you all had a great long weekend enjoying the last niblets of summer! I’m trying to get in the back to school food spirit for myself and for the blog, and let’s just say yesterday some pretty epic Garlic + Basil + Butter things went down in the kitchen. COMING SOON.
The post Our First Ever Tasty Food Photography Workshop appeared first on Pinch of Yum.