Blogging is so weird.
I woke up this morning and knew that I had to write a post, because it’s Wednesday and I post on Wednesdays. ROUTINE! And my life existence could be summed up as coffee, spicy food, and predictable routines. Just how I like it.
But I’m also puffy-eyed and foggy-brained Tired with a capital T, not to mention I’m feeling a little dried up in the food words department right at this 9:58am moment, and the reality is that I’m the boss of the blog and so I don’t actually HAVE to write a post. Right? I mean, I definitely have a recipe ready that I’m excited to share with you, but at the same time, I don’t really feel like writing about zucchini noodles right now and I’m finding it hard to imagine anyone in the world who wants to hear me talk about said zucchini noodles and how o-m-g awesome they are. I think the world would be a better place for all of us if I just got back into bed right now.
But that’s not the full story – back it up a little bit.
A few months ago, Bjork and I started volunteering for an organization called Safe Families. We haven’t been doing this long, but we essentially sign up to act as hosts for children whose families are in a place where they could use an extra set of hands.
We’ve done one short placement already, and a few days ago, we were asked about (and said yes to) a second placement for three kids – ages 4, 3, and 1. WOWSA. We’re on day two of our life with three littles, and we will have a few more weeks together, and each day gets a little easier and sweeter. Okay, fine, we’re only on day two, but just let me.
The kids are the precious and I’m dying to take some sweet pictures of them, but so far I have literally zero pictures of the kids on either my camera or my phone because, um, how to say this? I only have two hands? It’s just been a tiny bit crazy around here, and I can barely get everyone fed, clothed, and bathed, much less think about TAKING ONE SINGLE PICTURE. But I have been snapping a few videos and pictures on SnapChat in my two seconds of free-hands-time, so if you’re looking for a sneak peek into our craziness, that is where you can find it right now (just search and follow pinchofyum).
I’m not a mom myself yet, so I haven’t quite mastered the art of Do Everything On 2 Hours Of Sleep. Plus my regular blog post for those yummy zucchini noodles just isn’t what’s in my heart at the moment, so when I woke up this morning, I just knew I couldn’t force it. I mean, come on. No one should ever have to be forced into a zucchini noodle situation, you guys. Not even me.
What’s in my heart this morning are our three new little friends, and maybe an extra dose of rest and/or coffee, and, obviously, my sweet girl Sage (who, by the way, loves our new little friends because she’s the nicest sweet girl ever).
Wednesday. Okay. Focus. It’s Wednesday.
No more words from me starting in five seconds! Here’s my Wednesday sleepy post, only a few hours late and kind of off topic, so you can get your dog fix (read: so I can show off my fur baby). Here’s what Sage has been up to in May! Spoiler alert: it is 90% couches and snuggles and sleeps.
PS. Ummm May was nice, but is June everything or is June everything? SUMMER YOU DA BOMB. ♡
The post Sage in May appeared first on Pinch of Yum.