Unbelievably Good Cashew Coffee

Hands holding a mug of Cashew Coffee.


Oh my word, you guys. This could be – has been – is currently – a game changer in our collective coffee lives. It fits anywhere and everywhere into your life because when something is so luxuriously creamy, nutty, and sweet with a bite of salt, how can it not be? For example.

  • It’s 6am and you’re getting up for an early work meeting, and you’d like to not hate the next two hours of your life. CASHEW COFFEE.
  • It’s 10am and you work from home and it’s kind of rainy, so naturally a cozy pre-lunch pick-me-up becomes necessary. CASHEW COFFEE.
  • It’s 2pm and you’re a stay-at-home mom and the kids are finally napping (I used to be a full-time nanny and I semi-know this feeling), and you want to give yourself a hug in celebration of fifteen minutes to yourself. CASHEW COFFEE.

Holy creamy goodness. This is heaven-sent.

Cashew Coffee in two mugs.

About a year and a half ago, I made an important discovery with a tiny bit of help from my friend aka counselor: maybe it’s for the best if I don’t drink coffee. 

It’s one of those things you always think about, right? You always say that you should probably start cutting back on coffee, pop, caffeine, whatever… but for some people it’s not so much a thing-would-be-nice-to-do thing and more of a this-is-really-important-for-my-overall-well-being kind of thing. I found out last year that I am that person. Hi. Nice to meet you.

I have some perfectionist, anxious, zero chill tendencies (gasp) and caffeine makes my brain WORSE, not better. If I am already a high-strung person, caffeine just takes the high-strung-ness to new heights that should not be humanly experienced. When I stopped drinking coffee, or more accurately, swapped my default morning coffee for the occasional decaf latte or Americano or – get this – MORE WATER, I found that my overall well-being dramatically leveled out. For those not familiar with being constantly in overdrive, leveling out is a good thing. It means calm. Normal. Eyes not bulging out of head, hair not standing on end, life not spinning wildly out of control.

So I do love good coffee. Big fan over here. I still try to stay away from regular coffee for big-picture wellness reasons, but I love a deep, dark, mildly creamy cup of decaf in the morning. My two rules are that it has to be good coffee, and it has to be decaf.

This is where my beloved (decaf) coffee journey will now merge with an old, trusted friend: wrinkly, buttery, roasted cashews.

Cashews close up.

That’s right, I just said cashews. Here’s the secret that will unlock some morning magic for you:

You can, in fact, BLEND CASHEWS INTO YOUR COFFEE and it will give you the best latte-like beverage of your life.

What have I even been doing! This is hands-down the best latte – er, coffee? – I’ve ever had. I love the cashews both in theory (dairy free, healthy fats, etc.) and in taste (lightly sweet, nutty, and so super creamy). And when you add a spoonful of honey and a pinch of sea salt? Game over. Cashew coffee is going exactly nowhere. This is a new level of coffee enlightenment.

Coffee drips.

Hey Mom, look at me! CREAMY FOAM ON MY COFFEE. Made it at home. By myself. NBD.

Woman pouring Cashew Coffee into a mug from a blender.

Did I mention that there is no draining or straining or nut milk bags or any such fussing with this? No thank you, ma’am.

For those who are concerned with this development and are having visions of cashew pieces floating in their coffee: I see you. I hear you. Let me calm your anxious hearts.

If using a high powered blender (preferably Vitamix, Blendtec, or equivalent), you should not have any trouble with cashew chunks. I used both types of blender and, with enough blend-time, I never had any issues with flecks that bothered me. You can see a few tiiiiny tiny flecks of cashew on the side of the blender in a few of these pictures, but it should be virtually imperceptible when you drink it. Just silky-smooth, luxe cashew latte texture. I don’t even know how it happens, but thankfully my job isn’t to know. My job is just to tell you about it.

Cashew Coffee in a mug with foam on a spoon.

Okay, friends. This could be a game changer. TBH, I am so curious to see if you like it as much as I do. Bjork doesn’t love it – it tastes too cashewy for him, but I am ALL OVER IT. It is my new morning or afternoon “treat” coffee.

If you try it and like it – either leave a comment and a rating, OR snap a picture and tag me on Instagram so I can see what you think.

Cashew Coffee pouring into a mug.

And PS. if you’re high strung like me? A) We’re awesome, and B) decaf all the way.

Watch How To Make Our Cashew Coffee (30 Sec):

A picture of Unbelievably Good Cashew Coffee

Unbelievably Good Cashew Coffee

  • Author: Lindsay
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 1 serving


The creamiest morning coffee you’ve ever had! Made with just coffee, cashews, honey, and sea salt.


  • 1 serving of strongly brewed coffee (about 1 1/2 cups)
  • 1/4 cup cashews (roasted and unsalted is my favorite)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (more or less to taste)
  • a small pinch of coarse sea salt


  1. Blend all ingredients for about 45 seconds in a high-powered blender. Start on a lower speed and gradually work your way up, ending with about 15 seconds on a very high speed to ensure smooth and creamy texture. 
  2. Pour into a mug and enjoy, or chill for later (see notes)!


Notes about cold vs. hot cashew coffee: Cashews straight out the package should blend just fine with hot coffee (although if you’re particular, just give them an overnight soak). If you want to a COLD cashew coffee, you have two options.

  • Option 1) Blend everything while the coffee is hot and then chill it overnight in a jar with a lid. It will separate, so just give it a good shake in the morning and pour over ice and you’ll be good to go.
  • Option 2) Soak your cashews in water for a few hours and give them a good rinse. Now they should blend up nicely with cold coffee – either cold press or just chilled brewed coffee.

I used very coarse flaked sea salt in this coffee, so just a word to the wise that it might not be best to put 1/2 teaspoon of regular table salt in the coffee! That will be way too salty. If using table salt, just start with a tiny pinch and taste and adjust from there.

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Category: Breakfast
  • Cuisine: American

Keywords: cashew coffee, blender coffee, dairy-free coffee, coffee, cashews

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The post Unbelievably Good Cashew Coffee appeared first on Pinch of Yum.

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