And we’re back! With What I Ate Wednesdays! By popular demand!
And by popular demand, I mean one person (my sister) casually told me she liked the What I Ate Wednesday posts.
Here’s the thing about me in real life: I LOVE to talk to people about what they eat in a day. If you were sitting in front of me, I’d ask you so many questions, but not the big project recipes you have pinned, or the beautiful meal prep you put on Instagram. I’d ask you, like, actually, in real, unfiltered life, what do you eat in a day? (You can answer me in the comments if you’re into this conversation as much as I am.)
Food is just so fascinating.
Here’s my WIAW!

Leftover roasted sweet potatoes, remnants of an almost-too-ripe avocado, and a fried egg.
Also: coffee with cream.
Also (unpictured, and yes I was really hungry okay): banana with almond butter.

These chips from ALDI are life. Why are they so good? I could (pretty much have) eaten an entire bag in one sitting.
Paired with What’s Gaby Cookin salsa verde. Yumtown.

Hawaiian Chicken Tacos (pineapple, jalapeno, etc.) just completely smothered with homemade jalapeno ranch.
Even better when eaten on the floor of Solvi’s playroom, obviously.
This recipe will be coming to the blog next week!
Snack Again

Some days just require a sweet afternoon something. And this was one of those days.
Enter: a fresh batch of my fave chocolate chip cookies, of which I ate a small (hahaha) nub of dough. And even though I accidentally overbaked the cookies I was still able to get that sink-your-teeth-into-the-center-of-an-underbaked-cookie moment that I was going for.

AKA Clean Out The Fridge Curry.
Tofu, carrots, and spinach in a very basic sauce of coconut milk and red curry paste, plus a handful of cilantro, shot of soy sauce, and sprinkle of brown sugar.
Over rice.
Basically just a mix-and-match version of this curry. So good.
Bonus: great leftovers.

And that’s it!
What are you guys eating? None of this fancy Pinterest recipe business. I want the real thing! Give it to me straight.
The post What I Ate Wednesday • April appeared first on Pinch of Yum.