Wednesday again?!
Wednesday always kind of sneaks up on me – but especially this week! We’ve been transitioning Solvi into a crib this week, and that combined with teething and a few other classic rollercoaster events of parenting have made this week feel like it’s a) flying by, and b) dragging on for 100 years.
What is life though.
The good thing is that food knows how to always be there for us. What I Ate Wednesday highlights this week:
- a savory almost-make-ahead breakfast that doesn’t involve reheated eggs
- a new creamy dreamy snack
- a roasted vegetable bowl with a sauce that’s giving me life
Bring it on, Crazy Week. Bring it on.

Guys, it’s so rare for me to have a hot breakfast these days – like, eggs and potatoes and that kind of thing – especially on a weekday.
But HELLO here we are.
I made a big pan of roasted potatoes and kielbasa on Sunday and tucked it away into the fridge for the week. So easy. Like, a little butter, a little olive oil, diced potatoes, salt, kielbasa.
Not gonna lie – this was a very good idea! It delivered a fast hot breakfast that did not involve reheated eggs. (I know some of you share my very justified dislike for reheated eggs.)
In the morning, I just popped the already-roasted potatoes and kielbasa into a little skillet, toasted them up (apparently with a lot of passion?! geez – mega browned), and then fried an egg to put on top to finish. + lots of sriracha. How else?
In my mug: chestnut tea latte. It will never die.
Morning Snack

Okay THIS.
This is “yogurt,” but it’s homemade and vegan and super high protein and naturally sweet, and I stocked my fridge with it this weekend which was A TRUE GIFT. Is it wrong that it’s kind of like thick ice cream?
There will be a recipe shared for this very soon and you should be very excited.

Oh man. The day was crazy and lunch was just completely inhaled amidst some work projects.
It’s not much to look at but you really can’t go wrong with leftover Instant Pot Chicken Wild Rice Soup. Featuring the light-colored wild rice that I found at the way back of the pantry.
Snack Again

Cara Cara orange. My favorite.
Pre Dinner

Granola! Because I think I was waiting for Bjork to finish putting Solvi to bed? and maybe got a little hungry? like, SOS level emergency?
Coconut oil granola (remix) to the rescue.
Real Dinner

You guys are going to love this – it’s an upcoming recipe for 15 Minute Meal Prep.
Roasted broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, yukon potatoes, and a big dollop of GREEN TAHINI sauce involving garlic, cilantro, tahini, olive oil, lemon, etc. etc. etc. Simple and so yummy.
Normally I eat this with an egg and some avocado, but on this particular night it was already 9pm and I wasn’t super hungry (see also: granola). The veg / sauce combo was just right.
End Of Night

Just keeping it classy with tea for me, grapes for us, and a little side of white chocolate chips for Bjork. 🤪
That’s all from my food world.
What are you guys eating this week? Any big Sugar Free January wins? Recipe links always welcome!

The post What I Ate Wednesday • Week 4 appeared first on Pinch of Yum.