Hemp Smoothie Recipes

You don’t have to be crunchy to love smoothies. As a meal or treat, they offer up much-needed nutrients and did we mention…smoothies are super tasty! 

Made By Hemp has compiled a must-make list of hemp smoothies because, well, we love hemp. No, you won’t get high from adding hemp seeds. The only things that could give you a buzz are if you use caffeinated tea or coffee as an ingredient. These recipes can be altered, so whatever you’re in the mood for go ahead and toss it in. Enjoy!

1.) Creamy Chocolate Hemp Smoothie
Oh She Glows blog created this amazing chocolate and date smoothie.The fiber of the hemp,  along with fiber in the date, will make sure your track stays on track…if you know what we mean.


2.) Banana Smoothie
This stuff is bananas…well, includes b-a-n-a-n-a-s! Thank our friends over at Healthy Smoothie Headquarters for this potassium-packed smoothie.



(Gif by https://fusiondotnet.files.wordpress.com/)

3.) Superfood Smoothie
All Smoothie Recipes does it again with another amazing recipe. With all the spinach in this smoothie, we feel like we’re channeling Popeye. We’ll save you Olive Oil!


4.) Blueberry Smoothie
If you’re anything like Violet Beauregarde, you love blueberries. Don’t worry, the Oompa Loompas won’t have to squeeze all the juice out of you after you down this smoothie.



(Gif by http://cdn.yourepeat.com/media/gif/000/012/476/cf73d7b735fa7337ea2043c635824308.gif)

5.) Gluten Free Options
If gluten is your arch nemisis then check out these smoothie ideas from Gluten Free Goddess. We enjoyed the Strawberry Gluten Free Smoothie. This option will be on our summer time smoothie rotation.


Wow, that made us hungry! Pardon us while we go get the blender and whip up a smoothie now.

While we sip on a smoothie, let us know which one is your favorite or do you have your own hemp smoothie recipe to share? Tell us in the comments or on Facebook for a chance to win a free bag of hemp seeds or protein powder.

The post Hemp Smoothie Recipes appeared first on Made By Hemp.

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