How Do You Use CBD Oil?

How Do You Use CBD Oil?

CBD oil is available in many forms. Part of what makes CBD oil so appealing is its versatility. No matter your preference of CBD consumption, there is an option suited for you.

best cbd products

There are many ways to use CBD oil, from tinctures to concentrates to capsules. At Made By Hemp, our goal is to offer all things hemp, giving our customers the opportunity to find what works best for them.

If you’re new to CBD oil products, you may be wondering: how do you use CBD oil? Don’t feel intimidated by the different forms and concentrations that are available: we’re here to help! Getting started with CBD oil is an easy process; it’s simply a matter of determining what your wellness goals are and what method suits your lifestyle.

Serving Sizes

It is important to note that when it comes to CBD, serving sizes are not one-size-fits-all. While we can make recommendations, we cannot tell you the exact amount of CBD to take, because everyone is different.

As with any change to our routine, our bodies need time to adjust. Finding the correct amount of CBD oil to take might require some experimentation. We suggest starting with the recommended serving size and working your way up from there. There have been few side effects of CBD reported, so experimenting with CBD oil is a safe method to discover how much you should take.

Methods of Taking CBD Oil

How do you use cbd oil

As mentioned previously, there are many methods of taking CBD. Discovering which method is best for you is determined by your lifestyle and supplement preferences.

Once you’ve chosen your best method, you need to know how to use it! This blog is meant to act as a comprehensive guide on how to use our most popular CBD products.

How to Use Pure Hemp Oil

How to use pure CBD oilOut of all our CBD products, pure hemp oil has the highest concentration of CBD. These oils are extracted right from the hemp plant and have no added ingredients. Pure hemp oil has a thick, paste-like consistency and is usually taken sublingually (under the tongue). For those with advanced wellness goals, pure hemp oil is a great fit, as it is a highly concentrated form of CBD.

To use pure hemp oil sublingually, dispense the serving size onto the back of your hand, a spoon, or directly under your tongue. The suggested serving size is about the size of a grain of rice, but again, your serving size may differ. Once you have dispensed the oil, place it underneath your tongue and wait 60-90 seconds before swallowing.

How to Use Tinctures

how do you use cbd oilTinctures are CBD oil in a liquid form that has added ingredients such as natural herbs and essential oils to improve flavor. These supplements are delivered through a dropper and servings can be easily adjusted. Tinctures come highly recommended due to their range of flavors and strengths.

Tinctures are used sublingually. The recommended serving size varies but is commonly a dropper-full. To use, shake the bottle to mix the ingredients. Open the bottle and draw your preferred serving size with the dropper top. Release the serving under your tongue and wait 60-90 seconds before swallowing. For more information about tinctures, visit this blog.

How to Use Capsule Supplements

Capsules are a familiar way to take CBD oil. These supplements are available in a range of concentrations and fit into a variety of lifestyles due to their ease of use. Capsules have a slow release, so we recommend taking your supplement one to two hours before your preferred release time.

Taking a CBD capsule is similar to the capsules you are familiar with. Simply consume the capsule by washing it down with your preferred liquid.

Using CBD Oil

It’s important to know the proper way to use CBD oil, no matter which method you determine to be your best fit. If you still have questions on how to take CBD oil, contact us.

The post How Do You Use CBD Oil? appeared first on Made By Hemp.

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