What is a Face Serum?

Some skin care products are easy to figure out. A moisturizer? Moisturizes. However, there are others that a bit more mysterious. And while we all like a little bit of mystery in our lives, we also like to know what goes onto our skin.


Serums are one of those products that are a bit more difficult to pin down. The name isn’t telling of its purpose and they’re still fairly new to the market. We’ve included serums in our collection for their many benefits to the skin, so it’s important to us to explain what exactly a serum is. Here, we’ve mapped out the serum basics to provide clarity on this powerful product.


What is a Face Serum?

Face serums offer lightweight hydration and penetrate deep into the skin to deliver active ingredients. Since serums do not contain the heavier ingredients that moisturizers do, they contain a higher concentration of ingredients. For that reason, serums are great for targeting specific skin concerns. In short, face serums pack a serious punch.


Serums contain active ingredients that target the skin differently. The Abinoid Botanicals CBD face serum is made with over 20 plant extracts, each with unique properties that benefit the skin. Hemp seed oil and blue chamomile are two of note.


Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil (not to be confused with hemp oil) is made from cold-pressed hemp seeds. Hemp seed oil contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids and has been shown to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Hemp seed oil absorbs into the skin easily and does not clog pores. This ingredient is a lightweight moisturizer and absorbs quickly, leaving no greasy residue.


Blue Chamomile

Blue chamomile is an essential oil derived from the chamomile plant. Blue chamomile features the active compound azulene, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Known for its calming properties, the blue chamomile in the CBD face serum has been shown to reduce redness.


How to Use a Serum

Our CBD face serum works best when used after the Abinoid Botanicals cleanser and toner. Since face serums are highly concentrated, only a small amount is needed to be effective. To use, place 1-2 drops on your fingertips, rub together, and massage thoroughly into your face, neck, and chest.


Serums are put on before moisturizer and can be used in the morning or at night. Since our serum is oil-based, it can replace a moisturizer; however, since it does not contain the heavy ingredients that traditional moisturizers do, you may use a moisturizer overtop the serum if needed.


An added bonus: our serum can also be used as a de-frizz product for hair. Simply run a small amount through the ends of the hair for an instant shine.


CBD Face Serum

A face serum is essential to restoring the skin. The Abinoid Botanicals CBD face serum is formulated to suit all skin types, including oily skin.  The key ingredient in our face serum is cannabidiol, or CBD, which has been praised for its many benefits for the skin. While we cannot make claims regarding this compound (as much as we’d love to), we know that the research surrounding it is significant. We encourage you to look up the many benefits that have published about CBD.


To find out if the CBD face serum is the right choice for you, talk to your dermatologist and learn more about the product’s ingredients here.

The post What is a Face Serum? appeared first on Made By Hemp.

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