Can CBD Help in Treating Osteoporosis?

What Are the Symptoms and Causes of Osteoporosis?

Symptoms of osteoporosis tend to reveal themselves in latter stages of bone loss. They may include:

•         Shortening of the body, and poor posture

•         Back pain due to injured vertebra

•         A bone breaking due to a relatively minor trauma — particularly the hip, spine, or wrist

What causes osteoporosis varies widely from person to person, and there may be many factors. Some of them include the following:

•         A variety of factors put any individual at higher risk for developing osteoporosis, including being female, having a familial history of osteoporosis, being white or Asian, being of older age, or having a small body frame

•         Hormonal imbalances, including lowered testosterone or estrogen levels, or overactive thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands

•         Low calcium in the diet

•         Being underweight

•         Long-term use of steroids — as well as other medications, including antiseizure medications, heparin, lithium, and many others

•         A long-term sedentary lifestyle

In many cases, managing these factors and preventing osteoporosis before it begins may be the most effective defense against the condition.

Is CBD Effective in Treating Osteoporosis?

Research, particularly in mice, has shown that CBD for osteoporosis may in fact be an effective treatment. Research suggests this is due to the way the skeletal cannabinoid system helps to regulate bone health — in particular, through the CB1 and CB2 receptors in bone tissues. All told, this suggests that CBD for weak bones may indeed be therapeutic.

There is also abundant evidence of the pain management effects of cannabinoids, suggesting a potential therapeutic possibility for CBD in treating pain caused by osteoporosis.

However, good nutrition — especially including calcium and vitamin D — as well as regular exercise over the course of life are generally considered primary ways to prevent osteoporosis. Individuals suffering from osteoporosis are advised to consult with a medical professional before incorporating CBD into any treatment regimen.

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