Can You Treat Your Dog’s Autoimmune Disease with CBD Oil?

Autoimmune Disorders in Dogs

These diseases stem from a variety of causes including genetics, environment like some kinds of UV light, and parasites like ticks.


Immune disorders in dogs cover a wide range of conditions, including lupus, arthritis, hypothyroidism, digestive disorders such as leaky gut syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and skin disease. One of the most common autoimmune skin disease in dogs is pemphigus foliaceous. The easy-to-spot lesions and hair loss make it a commonly diagnosed autoimmune skin disease in dogs.


Autoimmune disease in dogs symptoms affects most systems, including behavior and nerves, bones and joints, and skin. Some common signs of canine autoimmune disease to look for include:

  • lethargy
  • hesitant to walk or walks differently
  • painful or swollen joints
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • persistent fever
  • chronic infections
  • no appetite
  • sudden weight loss
  • changes in bladder and drinking habits
  • regular diarrhea or vomiting
  • hair loss or skin lesions

Treating Autoimmune Disease in Dogs

There are many natural modalities to improve the health of your canine companion.

  • a nutritious diet free of inflammatory foods
  • exercise to release anti-inflammatory cytokines
  • sleep for tissue repair
  • supplements for repair such as vitamin E, Selenium, essential fatty acids (especially Omega-3), and Vitamin C
  • probiotics & prebiotics to support gastrointestinal health

Benefits of CBD for Dogs

Research is showing that CBD helps improve functions for canine autoimmune disease. The mechanism is complicated but, in short, CBD oil reduces cytokine production and the proliferation of other types of cells that interfere with healthy T cells. This means a better, more responsive immune system.

CBD Helps Autoimmune Disorders in Dogs

Cannabinoids act as anti-inflammatories and also inhibit pro-inflammatory compounds. Reducing inflammation means reduced pain. The inhibition of cytokines reduces cellular damage and helps avoid auto-immune attacks. One study showed CBD is effective for osteoarthritis in dogs, demonstrating a significant reduction in pain, reduced inflammation, restored function, and healthy modulation of the immune response. CBD can also alleviate symptoms of many common immune disorders in dogs like pemphigus, bullous pemphigoid, and lupus erythematosus.

Always contact your veterinarian first to ensure CBD oil would benefit in treating the symptoms of your dog’s autoimmune disorder. The proper diet, activity, and medication will ensure your pup lives its best life.

The post Can You Treat Your Dog’s Autoimmune Disease with CBD Oil? appeared first on Smart CBD Hub.

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