Why Don’t I Feel the Effects of CBD?

The Reasons Your Initial CBD Experience Could be Unimpressive 

People just like you are using non-intoxicating, hemp-derived CBD (cannabidiol) supplements for the reported health benefits. While CBD is not a medical treatment or cure for any medical disorder, CBD has the potential to provide symptom relief for a variety of health concerns.

CBD mimics the effects of the neurotransmitters already produced in your body and supplements any deficiencies. This explains why CBD has the potential to benefit many health conditions.

CBD Interacts with Your Endocannabinoid System

The potential benefits of CBD are the result of the way cannabidiol interacts with your endocannabinoid system. Your Endocannabinoid system is the network of neurotransmitters and receptors responsible for the regulation of many vital processes, including:

  • Your cardiovascular system
  • Neuroprotection and muscle movement
  • Stress Responses and sleep regulation
  • Reproductive systems
  • Mood, memory and social behavior
  • Digestive processes
  • Inflammation and pain perception

Ideally, your body would produce all the endocannabinoids it needs to facilitate the communication between your brain and your body. Unfortunately, under the stress of injury, illness or even genetic predisposition, your body may not produce enough endocannabinoids to fulfill its own needs. Some researchers have even concluded that many health conditions could be caused by endocannabinoid deficiencies. These deficiencies could be eliminated by using CBD supplements because CBD mimics the effects of the endocannabinoids produced by your body.

Several Reasons Your CBD Oil Effects May Fail to Impress

While it’s easy to find many reports, studies, and testimonies from people who claim benefits from CBD products, you may also see comments and stories from people who claim CBD provides no noticeable benefits. It’s entirely possible that you may even agree. Not everyone’s first experiences with CBD supplements are noteworthy.

While CBD is not right for everyone, it could still be right for you. If you are not experiencing noticeable benefits from using a CBD supplement, it’s very possible that your lackluster experience has been influenced by one or more of the following potential setbacks.

You Are  Not Taking an Appropriate Dose

When starting CBD use,  many people start with a dose that is too small to provide any noticeable benefits. Legally, it is not wise for product manufacturers to give dosing advice.

However, some sources suggest that a “reasonable minimum” dosage starts at 10-40 milligrams per day. Others suggest starting at 25 milligrams per day. You will find many products have a  CBD content quite a bit lower than this recommended amount so make sure to check the label on your product.

While you will be able to find sources for dosing recommendations, it’s important to remember that there really isn’t any way for someone else to determine how much CBD you should be taking, regardless of your reason for taking it. A daily dosage that works for one person may not work for another. Your specific biology is unique. If your CBD supplement does not provide any noticeable results within a week, try increasing your dosage. If increasing your dosage still does not produce results, raise it again the following week. Eventually, you will find your perfect CBD levels.

Your Body Fat is Interfering with Product Absorption

Cannabinoids are attracted to fat. A high percentage of body fat can hinder the absorption of CBD into your bloodstream. Think of it this way. If 60 percent of the CBD you take is absorbed by fat cells, only 40 percent of your dose is circulating and of any benefit to your endocannabinoid system. If 30 percent of your CBD is absorbed by fat, 70 percent of the product is available in your bloodstream to provide potential benefits. This information is based on the known properties of cannabinoids; there are no studies on fat cell absorption rates at this time.

You may need to increase your CBD levels to compensate for fat absorption.  In 2011 study concluded that there are no signs of serious side effects or toxicity in long-term high doses up to 1,500 milligrams per day or more.  But it is possible to take more CBD than you need. Taking more CBD than you need will not provide additional benefits. You will simply be using your product faster than you need to.

You Haven’t Given Your Trial Enough Time

It’s important to remember that CBD is a dietary supplement, not a medication. That means it can take some time before you notice any benefits. Your body may need more time to achieve balance. Many of the potential long-term effects, including the reduction of inflammation or pain management, require daily dosing. While you may find testimony from people who report immediate or near-immediate results from their CBD products, this is not typically the case.

Many users report full benefits after continuous use of CBD supplements for a minimum of 2 to 4 weeks. If you do not notice the benefits you are looking for after several weeks, you may want to try increasing your dosage and giving your trial a little more time. You may find the results to be well worth the wait.

You May Find More Benefits with a Full-Spectrum Product

If you are using a product made from a CBD isolate, rather than a full-spectrum CBD product, you may want to give full-spectrum CBD a try. Full-spectrum CBD contains at least 113 additional cannabinoids and hundreds of plants components, including plant terpenes, not available in CBD isolate. In addition, Full-spectrum CBD products also provide your body with vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids.

All of the components of full-spectrum CBD work together and magnify the potential effects. This is known as the entourage effect. Each element multiplies the potential benefits of the others. Your body may benefit from the “teamwork.”  Some of the additional, and potentially beneficial, cannabinoids in a full- spectrum product include:

  • Cannabidivarin (CBDV)
  • Cannabichromene (CBC)
  • Cannabigerol (CBG)
  • Cannabinol (CBN)
  • Cannabidiol acid (CBDA)

 Your CBD is of Low Quality

It’s sad but true. Depending on where you shop, it’s possible that you have received a low-quality product. Many over-the-counter and online products are not as potent as their manufacturers claim. There are many reported instances of CBD products not containing the amount of CBD reported on the label. Some products contained no CBD at all. That’s why it’s so vitally important to do your homework before making a purchase. You will want to be sure to order from a company that is willing, and able, to provide batch testing information.

At CBDistillery, you can be sure that you are investing in quality products. Batch testing assures the quality, purity, and potency of the products you select. Our products are third-party tested and verified. You will find the test results of each of our products within the product photos.

The interest in CBD and the popularity of CBD products continue to grow as more people learn about the potential benefits. We fully encourage you to learn all you can about CBD sourced from hemp. You can start by downloading The Ultimate User Guide.

If your first experience with CBD left you less than impressed, you might want to try again. Visit CBDistillery for a high-quality assortment of CBD products, including tinctures, vape products, capsules, ointments and pet products, all third-party tested and verified for purity and potency.

The post Why Don’t I Feel the Effects of CBD? appeared first on #CBDMOVEMENT™ BLOG.

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